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Everything posted by level30

  1. hi everybody! im from austria. my native language is german but i will do my best :-) i start playing dayz 2 weeks ago and was (still do) really impressed about the atmosphere and gameplay. at this time its unusual to make mods/games like this for free since activision is selling dlc`s for mw3 4 maps for about 13 EUR, just one example!! so thanks for this hard awesome job!!! as an alpha tester everybody knows good things could be changed to bad and revert back to good and so on... a few things what could or should be changend in my opinion: since we have no gun at start there should be a way to get one a little bit easier, nearer or something else. zeds are aggro like zeds should be. but they are to fast a little, to intelligent for a zombie. once they attack you cant hide... don´t know if they should lost your track too? one of the worst things is the zed´s wayfinding (don´t know how to explain) if they are running towards to me like mosquitos with that speed its to hard to aim and really not zombielike :-) happy survival!