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About LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab

    Console Update 1.27

    THIS! it feels SO BAD right now. everyone i spoke to simply hates it. some even stopped playing because of it. PLEASE fix it!
  2. LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab


    There is a slider for aiming curvatur, which is very useful, because a linear controller acceleration is very hard to deal with if you need to be precise. But... instead of slowing down the acceleration at low%.... its adds a Deadzone!? If you use linear acceleration, you have no Deadzone. But the second you try to use any form of curvatur, to be more precise at ranges, you suddenly have to deal with a enormous deadzone in the middle, which negates any benifit you were hoping to get from using a curvature. Why is the Curvatur slider adding a deadzone!?! SPLIT the slider for curvatur and deadzone! Having them both in one slider makes absolutely ZERO sense. You need to be able to adjust the curvatur AND The deadzone seperatly from one another. How can any dev play DayZ with a controller and think... YES! THIS IS IT! arguably it works..... i can get my kills.... but holy moly, you shouldnt have to deal with the biggest deadzone i have seen in any game, with literally 0 ways of changing it, other than shooting yourself in the kneecap by using linear acceleration. WE NEED THOSE: X-Sensitivity slider Y-sensitivity slider Curvature slider (there should be presets, instead of a slider honestly) Outer bounds Left/Right acceleration slider (in BF games, if you hit the outer border of your stick, the acceleration doubles so you can turn fast, altho you use a very slow sensitivity) Deadzone slider
  3. LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab

    Graves for our dearest.

    There is a gravestone mod. https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2395118966
  4. LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab

    My ongoing experience (on Official) servers

    Deathrecap: If it would tell you for example: got hit by 45acp bullet in the arm twice and a third hit in the head. I am all for it... because why not... But it should NOT provide any info on who shot you, it should not provide any info from where you got shot, and it should definitly not be a killcam like you see in CoD. This would take away SOOO much from the game. You could perfectly call the shooters position to your friends. It would overall lead to a worse experience. highertier loot restrictions: Nope. Just flatout no. When you see someone fullgeared at the coast, grab a darn shotgun and blast his ass 😄 even the best vests dont protect you from buckshot in closerange. Shotguns are your answer to fullgeared people in the coast. DayZ should NOT restrict where you can go and where not. Its a sandbox afterall. PvP-toggle: This is already in the game! You have PvE Community servers. On those servers you are not allowed to shoot people. There is certain areas where pvp is enabled. If you want pvp, you go there, if you dont want pvp, you stay away from those areas. look for " PvE" in your server browser. A toggle option ingame would be the single worst thing to happen in DayZ. You could abuse it on levels you cant even imagine! Whenever you see a big squad coming your way, you simple disable pvp and your safe..... LAAAME!
  5. LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab


    HI! This is a known bug! Me and many others had this problem. The Ram useage keeps increasing when you start the game, until it reaches 100% which then crashes your pc into a bluescreen "KERNEL_MODE_HEAP_CORRUPTION". how to solve it: Open the standard DayZ launcher (Not DZSA) Go to Launchparameters. Go to advanced Launchparameters. click "enable Bulldozer mode" Launch the game (dont join any server! just launch the game) You should be in a "free-floating-camera" above the sea right now. Close the game. Disable "Bulldozer mode". You can now join any server! it is fixed. I have no clue what is causing this bug... but thats how you fix it ^_^
  6. LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab

    Toxic Zones

    Your right... i could have saved myself.... but.... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop acting like its the obvious thing to always run around with your own blood in your pocket, for the rare occasion that you might be randomly gasbombed. Because it just isnt. Thats as if you always have a banana with you, in reallife, for the rare occasion that you might need to distract a horde of chimpansees that try to rob you, altho this is highly unlikely and has never happened to you. And you tell everyone in the internet that gets robbed by chimpansees that: Thats literally what your doing here. The chances of a gaszone dropping on you are so slim, that it most of the time is not worth it to carry a bloodbag with you, especially when you have a hefty weightsystem on the server. Same as its not reasonable to carry around a banana all the time. Do you have a filled bloodbag on you all the time? Be honest. Do you? When was the last time you killed someone and he actually had a filled bloodbag on him? Because i simply cant remember. Some people have Saline, but thats it. Ever since they introduced to bloodtypesystem most people cant be bothered. You might be playing on some (PvE) server, where Gaszones and NBC gear are very common. On such servers the meta might actually gravitate towards having a bloodbag ready, just in case you have a incident in a gaszone.... so ill give you the benefit of the doubt here. But where i play, this is simply not what people do. Afterall those gaszones werent designed to be a direct threat to players. They were intended to be mobile POI´s for players to get good gear. Thats why you have those warning indicators, so you can move out of the way. But the way those gaszones are implemented right now is just plain badly designed. Because you can easily miss the initial indicator by being in a house... and some gaszones are so big, that even if you instantly recognize the cannons and start running, you dont have enough time to run out of them when your hurt. So they will just drop on you and your dead. Wouldnt it make more sense to just fix the problem instead of having to carry around a banana for the rest of my life!? lets simply admit that the Gasbomb indicator is lacking, especially during daytime. You can easily miss it. A clearer indicator, or just a bigger timespan between the cannonshot and the gas actually landing would instantly fix this. Thats all im saying. And i think even you can agree on this.
  7. LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab

    Toxic Zones

    Thats the idea behind it. But the Zombies dont die from the gas. So it makes no sense at all.
  8. LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab

    Battleye _ client not responding

    i had a similar problem when i still had my old pc. Is your pc strong enough to properly handle DayZ? You should try installing DayZ on a SSD... small SSD´s cost like 30 bucks right now. I am guessing your pc doesnt load the gameworld fast enough. While its loading you cant access anything, and when you take to long, the game will kick you. Try launching the game without joining a server. also add this launchparameter: -world=ChernarusPlus That might fix it already. Your game will take longer to start, but the world will already "preload".
  9. LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab

    Any thought of allowing custom face uploads?

    ngl, this sounds cool 😄 but there is alot of room for trolls here.... They should just improve the charackter custimization.
  10. LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab

    Toxic Zones

    How do you want me to be prepared? keep a NBC set on me 24/7? I was gathering building supplys! no way i can fit a full NBC suit in my inventory aswell. You cant always just run out. I was in the centre with yellow health. The second i heard to bomb drop above me, i started sprinting out of it, but still got posioned and died because of the blood vomiting. "once your done fix yourself up with a bloodbag"..... bruh... it killed me within 2 minutes..... i was low from the gunfight.... where the hell will i get a bloodbag this fast, while standing south of stary on the field? before i even reached the forest south of stary, i died from vomiting blood. What i am trying to say is, that you EASILY can miss the flare and therefore have no way of telling that the gas is coming. I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THE FLARE EXISTED, until i saw it today. In my case, there was no way for me to react to the gas. The gaszone in stary is HUGE! and i was in the middle of it. I had no time to run out, and i didnt see the flare as i was in a building. That thing straight up killed me, and there was nothign i could have done diffrently, besides keep a full NBC suit on me while looting industrials on a full 100Slot server, ..... There needs to be a better indicator that its coming! all im saying.
  11. LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab

    Toxic Zones

    I just realized that you see a little flare right before the toxic zone comes down. sadly i didnt see it while i was in a building. But what is the lore behind the mobile toxiczones anyways?
  12. LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab

    Toxic Zones

    Something needs to happen with the moving Toxic zones. Yesterday i was in Stary Sobor. I saw a 3 man Squad around a M3S. I managed to kill all of them. When i tried going for the loot suddenly a Gaszone dropped on the Western part of Starytown and i suffered a inevitable and painfull death. I dont give a damn about the loot... but i think its simply bad gameplay design when you survive for over a week, even managed to get a nice squadwipe.... AAANNND you die to something that is completly out of your reach. few solutions: 1) Gaszones dont drop in areas where there are currently players. 2) You get a loud air alert sound that indicates that you are currently in a area that is about the be gassed. 3) Remove the gaszones xD What is the lore behind the gaszones anyways? I dont think they fit in the theme at all sadly. Just a very very slim majority of players actually has a full NBC suit at them and can profit from the Gaszones. Most of the time you see that there is a gaszone where you want to go... so you just say: "welp.... too bad" and you have to go elsewhere. Idk if i ever had a good situation coming from those mobile gaszones. Your thoughts on this?
  13. LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab

    What would make a Dayz perfect game?

    The last post in this Thread is over 2 years old xD Serverperformance and most notably vehicles work ALOT better since the last update. When you having car desynch for example, its related to a bad serverhost. I play on a EU server that has between 80-100 players during the time where i play. I play 2-4hours a day average and the server has alot of cars ready to drive and they despawn after 4 hours of not being used. This way you have a car almost every day. And since 1.21 launched i just had a single "rubberband" accident with the car, where i teleported into a tree. The vehicle performance is ALOT better now. They are actually useable. The problem begins when you have modded cars that go over 120km/h. THEY DESYNCH. Vanilla cars are not meant to go that fast. If you however dont have modded cars and drive around in a m3s or a gunther, you wont have any desynch at all, aslong as the serverhost pays for a proper server.
  14. LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab


    some people cant even bothered to brush their teeth two times a day in real life 😄 i can already see people crying.... But i like that someone tries to come up with new stuff! keep it coming buddy ❤️
  15. LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab

    No cooking pots in back pockets of jeans 😎

    it would certainly be more realistic... but at the same time make the game a pain to play XD imagine building a base.... gathering the tools, would consist of you running back to your desired baselocation, for almost every item you find.