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Everything posted by AESOG

  1. I've had a really weird problem while playing DayZ SA today. I've been enjoying the game, roaming around collecting high level loot for hours, and had a plate carrier and ballistic helmet on. All of a sudden, while walking through a forest, I get the black screen "You're dead". No shots, no attacks of any kind, just dead for no apparent reason. There certainly weren't any players around - I always play with my headphones on to listen for footsteps of other players, and always check my surroundings. So I respawn, and several minutes later same thing happens. Get killed out of blue. I was really pissed off and quit the game. After taking a break I decided to rejoin the server and collect all my gear from my stash, but somehow the two favorited server I usually play on are now both suddenly locked, and I cannot join. I've never seen them locked before. The two servers are titled (official, using vanilla DayZ launcher): DayZ Livonia US - LA 5396 DayZ Livonia US - NY 5084 Does this sound like admin abuse? Can't admins spawn the loot they want? Why kill me for it?