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About Felucian

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    On the Coast
  1. lol, I'm working on it atm, I didn't say right now. Ill go back to the server and ill try and bring others with me.
  2. OK.... WHOEVER BROUGHT DUPPING INTO THIS.... PLZ STOP. THAT ISNT WHAT WE ARE SUPPOSE TO BE TALKING ABOUT HERE. LETS ALL MEET ON MUMBLE AND TALK THE DUPING ISSUE OVER. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE ABILITY TO REMOVE ARMA 2 GAME FILES FOR OBJECTS IN ORDER TO SEE FOR MILES, SHOOT THROUGH OBJECTS, HIDE VEHICLES WITHIN BUILDINGS SO THAT NOBODY CAN USE THEM AND ULTIMATELY DESTROY THE GAME FOR EVERYONE ELSE BY DOING SO. THAT IS WHAT HAS BEEN TESTED THE PAST DAY, NOT THE OTHER STUFF YOU GUYS BROUGHT HERE WHICH IS UNRELATED TO THIS EXPLOIT. LOOK AT THE FIRST POST MADE BY GARFUL. THAT IS WHAT MOST OF US ARE TRYING TO DISPUTE. To be honest I agree with Faindizzle about meeting up on the mumble for NY7&8. Just to talk all of this over. This thread has gone to shit and I know its going to be either taken down after this post or closed. I like you all personally and don't want to tarnish what relationships we have left. I genuinely think much of the confusion around this whole thread will be fixed if we just talk this out. Also, if you deny this offer because you don't want to take 5 min out of your day to install mumble, which is free btw, that is no excuse for ignoring the most civil way to dispute this little scurry we have all gotten in.
  3. "Blue in the face" LOL, I see what you did there.
  4. Hell, right now Im in Cherno killing players while yelling FIX THE GAME (legitimately). When we found this exploit I almost lost all interest in DayZ. I dont care if this game is in Alpha, this stuff should be fixed ASAP and we are telling the developers exactly what is going on. I don't want anyone to have to experience a player killing another through the buildings in towns, have no ability to find vehicles because they are hidden in buildings ETC. And I keep seeing players with modified files coming on every server more and more. That usually means they are attempting to use the same exploit but messed up. If we were to find this exploit and just tell the dev team IT EXISTS, what would that accomplish? Nothing but stalling development of this game so the developers can figure out the thing we already know. Nobody is going to tell the dev team whats up who legitimately uses this exploit because they love it and don't want it to go away. WE DO WANT IT TO GO AWAY so people can leave Rocket alone with the crappy hacker reports that are indecisive and have no real evidence of what is going on. This exploit explains most of the posts on the cheaters forums, the others are hacks that have already been dealt with in one way or another to an extent. I would love to play this game without having to worry about others hacking, exploiting ETC, but the one thing DayZ tries to teach you is don't trust anyone, so we cant just will all the bugs and hacks away, we have to force them away. So that NOBODY can use them.
  5. You were banned because you showed up with two other people to one of fains events in military outfits, started shooting at us, and had a helicopter. I even think we have this recorded in some way. It was being live streamed too.
  6. Hey, PAT here. I have been playing on (NY7 & NY8) for a long time now. I have also known Faindizzle for a while too and spoken with him on many occasions. He isn't condoning hacking on his server, he is using a small group of people that he knows and trusts to help him understand a GAME DESTROYING glitch. Faindizzle is saving the DayZ Dev team tons of hours of research by doing it for them. Already, the source of the glitch has been found and the extent of its abilities are being looked into. Many of the hack that go around in the game can be traced back to this one glitch god knows how much the game will change if this one thing is fixed. The people testing the mod weren't trying to kill other players, they were keeping to themselves. Many angles of the glitch were being tested and it is also possible that a player could have been killed by test shots due to the fact that everyone looks close to the same ATM. Nobody was told to go out there and kill others, nobody is doing this for fun. Its all to help the Dev team of DayZ and make the game a better place for the community. I'm sorry if I am coming off blunt, but I don't want Faindizzle to get flamed for good intentions. And I hope this cleared some stuff up.