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Nox (DayZ)

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About Nox (DayZ)

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  1. Was playing on this server at 10:13 AM EST when I found a crashed heli. I scoped it out a bit, scoped out the area and saw nobody (thermal scope L85, no zombies near the town/chopper). Started making my way over there and when I got within 50m, server stops responding. I log back in, and of course, no heli. They respawn on reset. I started running the opposite direction when bang, M107/AS50 in my back, no further than 200m which is where the heli used to sit. Snapped this picture http://i.imgur.com/cNp0I.png and the admin quickly logged off Coincidence? Possible, but I doubt it
  2. http://i.imgur.com/8oYbr.jpg Same guy (Krakkenbus) has been in this server for a few hours now by himself. Only recently was the player limit upped to 2 slots, presumably for a friend to join and farm loot It seems* like someone has locked their server down for their own benefit (*I have no actual proof of these people locking down a server to farm loot uninterrupted, but it seems quite fishy when it's been locked down for 3+ hours)
  3. Nox (DayZ)

    Cheat Zombies for bandits.

    I'm not a bandit but I use it as an indicator if someone is near-by. From my experience zombies start spawning when you or someone else are ~300m away
  4. Nox (DayZ)

    Where can I find clothing?

    I'm told supermarkets are the best option, but after a few hours of farming without luck I'd like to know some definite answers too.
  5. Nox (DayZ)

    What was your dumbest death?

    Dying to someone with an AA12 with HE rounds My group of 5 dying all at once to an admin/hacker Friend and I getting out of a chopper to pick someone up and having a bandit teleport on us and take our lives, gear and chopper. They're all pretty much ranked the same to me, although I didn't get my gear back from the last one.
  6. Nox (DayZ)


    Few days ago I killed a guy that decided to shoot at me (and obviously failed at doing so). Foolishly he ran across an open field completely exposed and I took my chance and hit him in the chest with 8 rounds from my AK. As I watched him go through the death animation he disappeared. I looked at the chat to confirm the kill and sure enough "X was killed." and about 3 seconds later "X has disconnected". Couldn't find any trace of a body.
  7. Nox (DayZ)

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    75% of what the amount is now, or reduce their speed Fix the spawning (zombies spawning ~10m in front of you in plain sight and respawn timings) Also would be cool if zombies weren't attracted to you if they can't see you, but where they heard the actual sound. Gives you time to shoot and get out of there instead of instantly attracting 30 on you in a small town. Just my thoughts.
  8. What fucking bullshit. Do you even grasp the idea of what happened? We were not shot. There was no explosive. We lost no blood. We INSTANTLY DIED.
  9. The same guy that we killed (warping sniper) had started talking about bullshit bugs as to what could have killed us. For example, "invisible zombies".