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Everything posted by D4rknessxkilla

  1. D4rknessxkilla

    Persistent rain

    So, I've been battling persistent rain. No matter how I adjust the cfgweather.xml, the weather seems to slide to max values for rain and overcast. Making it a royal pain to play and my community is growing to hate the rain. We're looking for minimal rain and overcast (with that weather still being possible, just reduced occurrences). Any suggestions? I've already set my server time to a day in September with time persistence off. Here is the CFGWeather config I'm currently running <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <!-- 'reset' and 'enable' are a bool, and therefore supports: 0/1, true/false, yes/no --> <!-- 'reset' controls whether you want to load in the weather from storage or not (false by default) --> <!-- 'enable' controls whether this file is enabled or not (true by default) --> <weather reset="1" enable="1"> <overcast> <!-- Initial conditions of the overcast (target value, time to change, how long will it stay) --> <current actual="0.0" time="120" duration="1800" /> <!-- What is the range of the overcast value (0..1) --> <limits min="0.0" max="1.0" /> <!-- How long does it take to the overcast to change from one value to other (time in seconds) --> <timelimits min="900" max="1800" /> <!-- How much should the overcast change (0..1) --> <changelimits min="0.0" max="1.0" /> </overcast> <fog> <!-- Initial conditions of the fog (target value, time to change, how long will it stay) --> <current actual="0.0" time="120" duration="1800" /> <!-- What is the range of the fog value (0..1) --> <limits min="0.0" max="1.0" /> <!-- How long does it take to the fog to change from one value to other (time in seconds) --> <timelimits min="300" max="900" /> <!-- How much should the fog change (0..1) --> <changelimits min="0.0" max="1.0" /> </fog> <rain> <!-- Initial conditions of the rain (target value, time to change, how long will it stay), restricted by thresholds (see below) --> <current actual="0.0" time="120" duration="1800" /> <!-- What is the range of the rain value (0..1) --> <limits min="0.0" max="1.0" /> <!-- How long does it take to the rain to change from one value to other (time in seconds) --> <timelimits min="30" max="120" /> <!-- How much should the rain change (0..1) --> <changelimits min="0.0" max="1.0" /> <!-- What range of the overcast value allows the rain to be preset (min, max overcast value, time in seconds it takes for rain to stop if the overcast is outside of the specified range) --> <thresholds min="0.8" max="1.0" end="120" /> </rain> <wind> <!-- Maximum wind speed (in m/s) --> <maxspeed>30</maxspeed> <!-- Min and max (relative 0..1) for the wind speed range, frequency of the wind changes --> <params min="0.0" max="1.0" frequency="25" /> </wind> <!-- Lightning density (0..1), threshold for the lightning appearance (tied to the overcast value, 0..1), time (seconds) between the lightning strikes --> <storm density="1.0" threshold="0.7" timeout="14"/> </weather>
  2. D4rknessxkilla

    Server performance

    I'm in the same boat. @Kitty Shackleford I've just done the logging changes - any chance of inquiring you for some assistance as well?
  3. D4rknessxkilla

    Experimental Update 1.23 (Change Log)

    No, it starts off sunny, and will shift through the pattern once, then gets stuck on deluge
  4. D4rknessxkilla

    Horrible Server Performance

    All of our issues started just a few weeks before the Pal world release on Nitrado. Doubt that has anything to do with my issues currently, but helps establish a time frame. We are currently battling severe lag and desync, everyone is receiving the Red server icon in the game. We used to be a 32-slot server and upgraded to a 50-slot server recently. On the 32 slots, we were stable and had very little issues. This morning we did a full wipe/reinstall for 1.24. We are running a boosted types.xml, Not overly boosted, and many useless items have been set to 0. 1 airdrop event, and modified cars (spawn fully kitted). I've disabled bonfire, planks, and trajectory stones events. Zeds are set ultra low as well (reduced zombie events and the "ZombieMaxCount" is set at 75). We have a few map addons running, however we have since removed half of what we had been stably running several months ago. Restarts every 2 hours. Logs seem ok, however, we are now receiving search overtime hitches for loot items. and five proxies missing points. There are no other errors noted currently. Any suggestions on where to start and how to remedy this issue? Nitrado support has been a wash and waste of time, and they continually suggest adding automated task restarts since they don't see any restarts there. Our restarts are done via messages.xml. after about 20 emails they FINALLY recognized we have retstarts setup.
  5. D4rknessxkilla

    Experimental Update 1.23 (Change Log)

    Please for the love of god revamp the weather system. It's impossible to find a happy medium with the weather and it always seems to slide to max values for rain and overcast...
  6. D4rknessxkilla

    Xbox self hosting

    Will self hosting xbox servers ever be a thing? I've got a dedicated server computer and the network to boot.