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About wolfsone

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    On the Coast

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  1. wolfsone

    Next Epic Map?

    So I have been tossing the idea of what would be an epic map to play on and the first thing that came to my mind is a dense urban environment. Then I thought about what kind of urban environment are we talking about? We looking at a suburbia or a massive city? Possible a small city. But then it hit me. We have seen a lot of urban maps and dense city like maps. For example Fallujah, and the city of Vorkuta in Namalsk. I finally came to the conclusion recently of what the most epic map of all would be. New York City. Skyscrapers, dark alley ways, military checkpoints, and off course New York wouldn't be whole without Central Park. The subways would offer the underground base areas that people would be asking for, and the cities buildings would be rich with both loot and zombies. Imagine a map where you spawn in out front of an apartment with buildings lining the streets. Apartments, office buildings, tv and radio stations. Just picture the first thought you would have when you come into a world of burning buildings in complete blackout in the middle of the night. The streets lit by the embers of the destruction that took place only days earlier. Vehicles destroyed and crashed into each other. Bodies littering the streets at ever turn. You check the nearby buildings for survival gear and start heading down the road just to come across what looks to be a military check point. Military zeds line the hastily constructed towers and barbwire with hummers blocking the roadway. United States Marines or Soldiers who once attempted to stop the carnage and the spread of the zombie virus now lay dead at the feet of dozens of zombies.The first thing that comes to mind. A gun... but how do I approach without being seen. Then you hear a loud engine and see a hummer driving through the checkpoint from the other direction with a 50 cal mounted on top gunning the zombies down in front of. They stop right in front of you and three men jump out armed with M16 and M4 variants in MARPAT uniforms and tell you to get in. and your off. Wondering what will come next. Who will you meet, Will everyone be this friendly or is there a battle to be had. You pass through time square and they reveal to you their plan. They are heading to Central Park. There is a massive military camp set up there for refuges and Marines and Army Reserves who were stationed in New York to contain the spread of the zombie apocolypse that was unfolding before the eyes of the world. The virus has spread from the middle east and Russia and now its on our home front. What will happen next. Who will you meet next and will you be as fortunate as you were when the Marines showed up to whisk you away from the lost and terrifying position you were in.
  2. So you started the killing fields of hell on Colorado 1. I was the USMC guy moving onto your position but someone killed me right before I got to your position. Too bad I didn't get the kill on you bro. As far as the sniping goes. At a boy! Agreed I am going to speak to the Dev about this whole thing the Hardcore guys with were on with me discussed that very subject. I like the idea of a trading post. I think the location was absolutely horrible though. You were like the ghost out of the patriot. Except you didn't get all those kills that Mel Gibson did. Unfortunately I would have liked to see that. PS: I lost all my shit and was trying to defend the trading post. Apparently everyone turned on each other. lol
  3. I am tired of nudging left and right to get a tent non the ground. Plus half the time no matter where I am even in the middle of a perfectly flat road with nothing around the $hit still doesn't work. There is no way the tents can be that difficult to place. I can use barbwire/tank traps/sandbags just fine but when I go to place a tent my character scratches his a$$ and says, Uh I don't know...:huh:??? Give me a break man. So much for tent cities, I can't even place one of these pieces of crap. Waste of space!
  4. Yo I am a actual service member (I know that is hard to believe) looking for a server to set up a base camp with my friends and clan mates (Hardcore =]H[=). I hope to have more people join us but it would be a man made military type camp with sand bags, wire, tents, tank traps, vehicles and such. First off I need to get a better understanding of how player generated objects such as the ones listed above are saved. Every time I log into a server I find random wire/tank trap/sandbag placements all over the place [bTW STOP BLOCKING DOORWAYS] but I am not sure how long they actually last or if it's server based especially since wiki does entertain the idea of this type of scenario; which I might write up myself. I would like to build a full fledged base camp but it would take lots of time in search of the necessary equipment, manpower, and also a reliable watch standing rotation. The exception to the watch standing is to have it in an location that would be concealed well enough to not have to worry about people looting the equipment. Also looting tons of tents and deploying them in an area when they may or may not work at all makes it feel like a pointless endeavor. I am looking for people to join up. Semper Fidelis