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Whole Wheat Bread

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Posts posted by Whole Wheat Bread

  1. I am not sure if the issue I am having with .4 is a feature or glitch but my visibility meter will randomly jump between 1 bar and none while prone and crawling through grass. I thought it might have something to do with the type of cover but that thought quickly left me as I was effectively invisible (0 visibility bars) while in the middle of a field during daytime and had 1 bar of visibility while being prone under a pine tree. Would it be possible to do an area-based stealth check using the same system that checks to see if you can gather wood? Basically, if one is in what the game considers woods (aka: an area that you can gather wood in,) then your prone stealth rating is automatically at 0 bars due to thicker foliage and tree cover.


  2. This is a similar thing I posted in a slightly-unrelated thread but it fits to what you are saying to a point.

    I have to agree with you about the danger level of zombies; it simply isn't enough right now. The danger that does come from them is from their jerky and poorly-done animations, not from the fact that they are undead killing machines that only crave human flesh. I like the fact that a well-placed headshot kills, but outside of exploiting the fact that zombies have to walk inside, aligning a headshot when a zombie is running at you while looping through broken animations is far too challenging and is not realistic in the least. I have quite a radical solution for the animation issue as well as the low-danger level of zombies.

    I think zombies should have a chance to infect.

    I believe that rocket should implement an infection system. While I am not going to type out all my ideas for this system due to it being late, I think having a system such as this in place would solve the two issues I outlined above.

    1. Having an infection system would allow for the very buggy running and attacking animations to be eliminated. Give the zombies, at the most, a quick lunge attack for 10-20 feet (these are rotting corpses after all, not Olympic marathon runners from Kenya.) While they would no longer be able to chase you down, their danger would be greatly increased by the fact that each hit by them would mean a high percentage to infect (75%+.) Coupled with a slight increase in the amount that spawn in larger areas which would have higher populations in real life (cities, military bases, etc.) This solution would both increase the difficulty and danger of zombies as well as fix animation issues.

    2. Make headshots the only viable way to kill a zombie. This is self-explanatory and with the fix I mentioned above for the animation issues, I think it would be fair but still require a steady aim. While headshots should be the only way to kill a zombie, I believe that enough (more than current) damage to the torso/legs should cause a zombie to drop into prone position. This would give the player the ability to down zombies in a panic but would not eliminate them, and would also cause the player to burn a lot of ammo.

    With these things implemented I think Day Z would be greatly improved and they would address many of the issues that players are having while still keeping the game fair and fun.

  3. I have to agree with you about the danger level of zombies; it simply isn't enough right now. The danger that does come from them is from their jerky and poorly-done animations, not from the fact that they are undead killing machines that only crave human flesh. I like the fact that a well-placed headshot kills, but outside of exploiting the fact that zombies have to walk inside, aligning a headshot when a zombie is running at you while looping through broken animations is far too challenging and is not realistic in the least. I have quite a radical solution for the animation issue as well as the low-danger level of zombies.

    I think zombies should have a chance to infect.

    I believe that rocket should implement an infection system. While I am not going to type out all my ideas for this system due to it being late, I think having a system such as this in place would solve the two issues I outlined above.

    1. Having an infection system would allow for the very buggy running and attacking animations to be eliminated. Give the zombies, at the most, a quick lunge attack for 10-20 feet (these are rotting corpses after all, not Olympic marathon runners from Kenya.) While they would no longer be able to chase you down, their danger would be greatly increased by the fact that each hit by them would mean a high percentage to infect (75%+.) Coupled with a slight increase in the amount that spawn in larger areas which would have higher populations in real life (cities, military bases, etc.) This solution would both increase the difficulty and danger of zombies as well as fix animation issues.

    2. Make headshots the only viable way to kill a zombie. This is self-explanatory and with the fix I mentioned above for the animation issues, I think it would be fair but still require a steady aim. While headshots should be the only way to kill a zombie, I believe that enough (more than current) damage to the torso/legs should cause a zombie to drop into prone position. This would give the player the ability to down zombies in a panic but would not eliminate them, and would also cause the player to burn a lot of ammo.

    With these things implemented I think Day Z would be greatly improved and they would address many of the issues that players are having while still keeping the game fair and fun.
