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Everything posted by Cyrus427

  1. Cyrus427

    Guns at Heli Crashes .60

    I've been playing on a server and have found quite a few crash sites and I have yet to find a firearm. The sites seem to be plentiful with grenades, vests, hats and magazines, but no actual firearms. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
  2. I think all of it should be available. I'm a huge fan of camo clothing and very high variety of it is a great thing. There are a vast amount of players from all over the world so let us show our colors. Not only should there be a large variety of camo, there should also be a large variety of all clothing, guns and items.
  3. well goddamn said chrismgtis. I was holding back on purchasing DayZ SA and shame on me for not doing more research before I did buy it, cause IMO this alpha is taking way too long to advance and it truly lacks enjoyable gameplay due to the shit they call zombies. I know its an alpha... go ahead and ream me for complaining... but im sure 90% of us don't give a shit about all the shit the devs are working on other than the zeds. FIX THE GODDAMN ZEDS!! I hate to say it, but the guys working on breaking point for arma 3 are doing a better job than these guys who have been raking in money to work on this game. I think I just would be happier if I had waited until full release of dayz and paid the $60 price tag that it'll be when its released. Right now, too many of us paid money for an early access that isn't worth a $1. Yeah I fkn said it!
  4. Cyrus427

    who couldent dayz controls work on console

    I can not believe you are even thinking of DayZ on a console. You Sir should be shot and dragged behind a truck until the skin on your ass and back is completely gone, after we have taken your beans.
  5. Cyrus427

    ATV uses too much fuel!

    I agree, I think they go through fuel a bit too fast, but I also feel that all the vehicles do. In the real world I can go a long long time on an ATV before I need to refuel. Thank fuck for jerri cans and refueling tanks.
  6. Cyrus427

    Helicopter crash sites

    It's pussies like you and anyone who alt+F4s from a gun fight scared to lose their heads and gear who should be banned from the game. It's pussies like you who spawn into the air fields and loot the place and jump to another server. It's pussies like you who cheat cause you have no back bone or balls. It's pussies like you who I would love to kick in the balls and beat your face in until theres nothing left but mashed skin, hair and bone. Heres some coordinates: (045077) (040067) (058058) (107043) (104060) I've found others, but forgot to take coords at the time. It seems if you can see the fire and smoke rolling from the helos, night time is the best time to find them.