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About SleeperZ

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. SleeperZ

    Sprinting should be heard from further away

    Why is stun locking even in the game, worst feature in this game the lazy melee combat
  2. SleeperZ

    Remove Zoom By Default.

    you forgot about the part where the building dont load in past 100 metres and anyone in a window isnt rendered in and only can be seen via zooming in
  3. SleeperZ

    Community Spotlight - November 2023

    DayZ has clearly proven its self. Get more developers on the game and you'll climb to the top on steam.
  4. SleeperZ

    Adjustable HUD

    Not a fan of the hud placement so an option to adjust the size and position of the the icons and hotbar would be nice. Moving everything down to the bottom of the screen would be alot cleaner in my opinion
  5. For me ragdoll physics and adjustments to the shooting and melee combat.
  6. SleeperZ

    Dayz's Flawed Foundations: Movement and Gunplay

    @kyiara Can we get some feedback on this post its actually been two years
  7. SleeperZ

    Dayz's Flawed Foundations: Movement and Gunplay

    Have the devs commented on this post even once?
  8. SleeperZ

    Remove Zoom By Default.

    If you're talking about eye zoom then no. Because most houses dont even load in properly 100m away which means anyone sniping in those windows is so much safer and harder to spot. I do think they should make it slower abit like 0.62 before everything became super fast
  9. SleeperZ

    DayZ inventory stutter

    Move Steam and DayZ on to your fastest hardrive/SSD. That fixed it for me
  10. SleeperZ

    remove glass clipping on empty windows

    I think the glass you can clearly see can be shot through its just the ones with the invisable hitboxes that dont for some reason, i dont know how to this is still an issue
  11. You seemed to have glass in windows that clearly dont have glass in them, it completely blocks your bullet and doesnt pass through. Here is a video from experimental , free-ist kill of my life taken away twice and not a single hit or impact on the guy or the shed behind him. This isnt only subject to the firestation this happens in so many buildings. - https://imgur.com/a/cU29H6U
  12. SleeperZ

    Re-add the old pulse check as a shoulder tap/poke

    Yes and remove the icon that just tells you that they're dead(red circle) and replace it with pulse check, no pulse = dead, pulse = uncon. I just think thats more interesting that just telling the player, this would be used alot more if we had ragdolls or more uncon animations other than just the 1
  13. SleeperZ

    1.23 Experimental Release

  14. hes not touched these guns and neither have I in years because you have to do some boring quest to go find it. Video games are supposed to be fun and the community feedback is telling you its not(gas zones at least)
  15. SleeperZ

    1.23 Experimental Release

    Stop shutting away specific guns in the gas zones, gas zones should guarantee a rare weapon but that weapon should be avaliable in military places or heli crashes just at a very low rate. There is nothing less fun than having to find a suit and mask and then carry that around for a few hours, its super boring and not many people are doing it. REWORK IT