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James Parkin

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Everything posted by James Parkin

  1. James Parkin

    XB1 Chernarus 15x DSC survival

    I've joined the discord. But I can't find the server details
  2. James Parkin

    Old guy wanting to play DayZ once in a while

    Yo Momma again? I can't find you
  3. James Parkin

    Novice looking for team/clan

    I'm an older gamer too. Getting better at this, finally made it out to an airfield and a barracks. Managed to pick up a good amount of stuff (including a nice cold) I'm running solo, and I haven't seen a single other person. Seen evidence of other people, doors being opened, and found a base. Just not a lot of traffic
  4. James Parkin

    Sharpen long sticks (console)

    put the stick on the floor, knife in hand. you'll see on the rt option (lower left) that there is an up and down arrow. use the d-pad to select sharpen