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Jon Moss

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About Jon Moss

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Jon Moss

    These changes ruined everything for me (xbox)

    Ditch the Hunter clothing if you were using it. It's gone from best to low insulation. Bullshit capacity slots too, are they deliberately trying to annoy people? If so it appears to be working.
  2. Jon Moss

    Console Update 1.26

    I have to agree with the comments on carrying capacity of clothes and load bearing equipment, backpacks etc. This update is just bollocks, totally ruined the game for me. I want to set my own difficulty level on a server that I pay for, not have Bohemia dictate how much stuff I can carry. Please for the love of God set it back to how it was. I really don't know if I'm going to carry on with Dayz if the devs keep changing it for the worse and fucking it up every time they update. Bring back 1.25 'cos 1.26 is just shit.
  3. Jon Moss

    Xbox dayz servers not working

    Yes, our server is back on although I can't access it with my main account so using a back up / alt. Looks like a very hurried restore point loaded in by Bohemia and Microsoft to get Xbox back to 1.25. I imagine there's been a very interesting board meeting today at BI and it wouldn't surprise me if someone got fired over this. Even by BI's standards it was a huge fuck up. They're reputation, already on thin ice with many people, surely has been severely dented now. Will I been getting the Frostline dlc? Hell no! Will I be buying Arma4? Not after this debacle. Seriously BI, shape up!!
  4. Jon Moss

    Xbox dayz servers not working

    Yep, I didn't even want the update but it's forced onto you and it's totally f**ked. Thanks Bohemia. Why don't you test properly before forcing updates? 😠
  5. Jon Moss

    DayZ in 2023

    So the server wipe that's planned means we lose all our gear, bases, etc everything we worked hard to find and build? Personally I'd rather this didn't happen. I know NWAF is crap but I just don't bother going there. I'd rather other areas of the map were altered instead without wiping the server completely.