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Everything posted by braytech@gmx.com

  1. braytech@gmx.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If any late night medics are around drop me a PM I could use some morphine, a bandage and a blood transfusion asap.
  2. braytech@gmx.com

    East Coast Noobs wanna Play

    Hey Im fairly new to the game myself, hit me up on steam and we can do some night time surviving stead ID is darkrevalation or [EPA]DarkOp
  3. braytech@gmx.com

    Post your Steam name!

    Steam name: darkrevalation or [EPA]DarkOp Im a survivor on the east coast looking for other people to join up with on a server to help keep each other alive and kicking, have a mic and will travel on foot.
  4. braytech@gmx.com

    [ANZ] Finally geared up, too scared to explore..

    It happens a lot really, I was wandering around a town during the night and looking for medical supplies to heal myself when I took a bullet out of nowhere lost everything, it really does suck but it usually feels safer traveling with someone with similar ideals as yours just to have a buddy incase things go sour