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Spooner (DayZ)

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About Spooner (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Yeah, i'm noticing that my detectability drastically changes alot. Yeah, i disagree with all the increased detectibility for all stances, but im also noticing that it changes alot despite the kind of ground i'm on. For example, i could be sprinting . . . . and then somehow i'm a ninja for a minute. Maybe its lag but maybe its not and i just thought its worth mentioning. Also, the game is unplayable with the increased detectibility. Maybe some of these guys are leet ninjas, but u can't possibly expect new people to learn to play the game when they spawn with only a flash light and not now how to stealth past zombies. I thought i was pretty good at it and now with the patch, i can't even loot a single house without getting swarmed.