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isaac the dayz player

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Everything posted by isaac the dayz player

  1. isaac the dayz player

    pc official server down

    us 3664362 hc (public)-hosted by multiplay.com has been down for for 6 and a half hours according to battle metrics.
  2. isaac the dayz player

    pc official server down

    will my base be gone on this server or will it transfer over. it gave me a 75 second spwn timer and its night time so i havent logged in yet
  3. isaac the dayz player

    pc official server down

    ohhh ok thank you!!!!
  4. isaac the dayz player

    Stable Update 1.20

    yeee it sucks yo. it took me like 4 hours just to put up one wall lol. it took me forever to find the proper tools . i really hope they can fix this
  5. isaac the dayz player

    Stable Update 1.20

    i have the same problem my base is gone along with many others on PC Dayz US 3664362 HC (Public)-Hosted by multiplay.com.