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About Casperdmnz

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  1. Casperdmnz

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    NZ which is UTC + 12
  2. Casperdmnz

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    I think he is going off the time of his last update which is 4am over here :(
  3. Casperdmnz

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    I always envisioned the threat of the infected to come from them knocking you down/out and then proceeding to maul you while you are in a less defensible position and at great risk to attacks from higher numbers, never made much sense that they could cause your bones to break or bleeding that you could die from if not bandaged imo. Also please confirm gumboots for the standalone :)
  4. I for one wouldn't mind paying for new maps so an additional team could be taken on to create them as mentioned in the interview. I don't see why you couldn't gain info from it like you would be able to with Chenarus + and it would give a new environment to test the addition or modification of features which could be beneficial for development so the addition of maps shouldn't be mutually exclusive to development. I wouldn't expect them to be available on the SA's release but at the same time I think new maps should be a priority and that their development shouldn't take place after adding and modifying features as that would mean starting their development imo too far down the line.
  5. Casperdmnz

    Clan vs Clan PVP Competition

    Why not just play Arma 2 and set up this TDM scenario if its PVP you're after?
  6. Casperdmnz

    Graphical Issues

    I also experienced similar graphical problems at the Balota, another issue that I experienced was the game turning from day to night and back again over the space of about 15 seconds, I currently have 6k blood owing to the Zed's I had trouble killing with the crap going on over my screen but it also occurred at 8k blood and I've had no experience with this sort of thing happening when I've had <= blood prior to Also it should be known the sound of flies when near a dead body is not playing correctly and that the ability to take your backpack no longer works and sometimes where you try to examine gear it will display a message about the player and how they died of unknown causes (in this case it was myself and I did die to unknown causes jumping over some barbed wire whilst going through a doorway lol).
  7. Casperdmnz

    Removal of Sniper Rifles and Silenced guns.

    Personally I think sniper rifles will be ok as soon as server hopping and other dc abuse is prevented, that way they can be controlled in rarity as can their ammo, if there were a change to be made to them it should be something like the removal of 3rd person view after picking one up.
  8. Well you helped me by letting me know not to join them so thank you :-)
  9. Casperdmnz

    The War Z - Copycat of DayZ announced.

    I will keep my eye on it but it looks like it will be a completely different game for instance perma death only occurs on hardcore mode, currency e.t.c. Not sure why they went with WarZ, if they are using it as a publicity stunt they could have done better with The End of Dayz or something along those lines. As for the DayZ community, they are nice until you disagree with something but then every community is that way.
  10. Casperdmnz

    Private Server? DayZ Server? Question !!

    I frequently see private servers that are locked from the public in NZ and Aus and I doubt they are being blacklisted since I see them so regularly.
  11. Casperdmnz

    Glitchy zombies and no loot spawning

    Running 1.7.2 Was crawling around near a town, Zed's had already spawned in the area and I was navigating my way around them when out of nowhere one spawns slightly in front of me to my right already aggro'd. Was a bit glitchy as well, part of the zombie wasn't visible, kind of like how they appear when they go through walls coming into view and since I didn't have the option to get up and run I attempted to shoot the Zed except my AK didn't seem to have any affect on it. Time stamp is roughly time of posting, server was one of the NZ's on3network servers seeing as others have had similar issues but in other areas I shall not disclose my location as I am paranoid and it doesn't appear to be relevant.
  12. Casperdmnz

    How to install ArmA 2 DayZ Mod on Steam

    TY, I am downloading ArmA II CO off steam at the moment so I should find it useful.