Server Name: Annihilation | 50x Loot | Hordes | PvE/PvP | Custom Bases | rBWENsepC5
Platform: Xbox
Reset: 4 hours (00:05 ; 04:08 ; 08:05 ; 12:07; 16:08; 20:08)
Player Slots: 50
Map: Chernarus+
1st Person | 3rd Person
1.20 Update!: Zombie Hordes in higher tier areas | Boosted wildlife (Bears, Wolves, deer) | Boosted loot | Map Overhaul | bi-weekly game modes | Saze Zones for PvE | Discord Leaderboard, | PvE & PvP Kill feed | Custom Points of interest | Long and darker nights | Raiding 24/7 | Unlimited Stamina | Build Anywhere
Join the discord: Discord:
Daily Memes | Heat map | Kill Feed | Factions | shop / economy system | In-game upgrades | custom bases | Radar system | rage quit tracker