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About cyfer_kr

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  1. cyfer_kr

    Stable Update 1.20

    ok its fixed ❤️
  2. cyfer_kr

    Stable Update 1.20

    @Kyiara Can they fix it by any chance? I have more replies from people on multiplay.com official servers that lost their stuff with 1.20 'omar-mutant +2·1 hr. ago this happened to me on official by Mutliplay.com No tents, no cars, no stashes, character was saved' update: i see more and more ppl on reddit making threads now about their stashes being gone
  3. cyfer_kr

    Stable Update 1.20

    made a post on reddit and looks like multiplay.com messed up something with the patch. other servers seems fine except them. a guy posted that his base is also gone and checked a base close to him and it also disappeared. was a different NL official server by multiplay... hope we get it back somehow. i lost so much stuff. dont care too much about the weapons, explosives etc.. but the base took a tons of nails, barb wire and combination locks... we finally had a base thats not easy peasy raided by cherno shutgunboy xy and today all gone. hurts
  4. cyfer_kr

    Stable Update 1.20

    PC Dayz NL Official 3664704 hosted by multiplay.com. Base gone, Hidden Stashes gone, Cars gone. My wife and me play together and all we got left was our Char with Inventory loot. We were in front of our base when server went down and back there when they came back online. Everything disappeared. We checked a base we knew about next to us, also gone. I can exclude that we got raided, cause it was a huge base with 20+ gates, a lot of loot and as i said we have been there before server went down for 1.20. Also i have someone else on a different multiplay.com server, who confirmed it. so might be a general issue with multiplay.com servers (official).
  5. cyfer_kr

    Stable Update 1.20

    PC Dayz NL Official 3664704 hosted by multiplay.com. Base gone, Hidden Stashes gone, Cars gone. My wife and me play together and all we got left was our Char with Inventory loot. We were in front of our base when server went down and back there when they came back online. Everything disappeared. We checked a base we knew about next to us, also gone. I can exclude that we got raided, cause it was a huge base with 20+ gates, a lot of loot and as i said we have been there before server went down for 1.20. Also i have someone else on a different multiplay.com server, who confirmed it. so might be a general issue with multiplay.com servers (official).
  6. Anyone else on official server hosted by mulitplay.com experienced that or are we the only ones that build bases / store loot there? Base has been there when servers went down and disappeared when they went up again...More than 20 gates, 4 weeks of base building goes poof cause of a mistake. worse than cheating to lose it like that.
  7. Someone on Reddit posted it also happened to him on a different official Multiplay.com Server: 'I did something similar, checked my stash - gone, checked a nearby base in a police station, also gone 😞 Had i known this would happen i would've logged out with a create in my hand and my inventory packed to the max. Not very funny to have this happen after they state there won't be a wipe. Update: i play on Dayz NL 3664734 hosted by multiplay.com'
  8. cyfer_kr

    Console Update 1.20

    it did reset our base and loot, except chars and inventory on Official PC NL 3664704 hosted by multiplay.com. would like to hear feedback if same issue on xbox, cause so far noone was able to help out
  9. yes it looks like its a specific issue on the server we play on or in general on official servers hosted by multiplay.com. hope some mod can help out and advise me who to contact
  10. We had a decent size Base on DayZ NL 3664704 by Multiplay.com and after Patch everything is deleted including Stashes (Barrels, Tents etc), Cars. After research it was not intended that bases get wiped with todays update. Anyone can help out where to report or why this happened? Char is alive and the gear we had on it. Thanks in advance.
  11. cyfer_kr

    Stable Update 1.20

    Our Base, barrels, tents etc got wiped on a official multiplay.com server. Didnt you announce that bases not get wiped on dev stream?