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Posts posted by VinGal

  1. 2 hours ago, lynn.zaw said:

    PC Stable 1.20 Update 2 - Version 1.20.155814 (Released on 22.02.2022)

    If your community server was impacted by the duplicated objects through object spawner usage, we are highly recommending to wipe your server contents - or revert to a previous storage version - to assure game stability. Not following this procedure can result in severe instabilities.

    I just ignored the objects that are spawning through object spawner using cfgignorelist.xml it will remove the past iterations of the objects. You can do this for one restart, however if you are using objects from events it will remove the objects from those events for one restart. The fix I did for the _DE objects was changing the value of the storageCategory to 7 (there wasn't much documentation when I researched for this value, however seven worked for me) and reusing the same _DE classes to get the models etc and then spawning in the new class.
