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About DiehardNoob

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  1. DiehardNoob

    Why aren't bandits ALWAYS bandits?

    Your tears are salty yet juicy at the same time.
  2. DiehardNoob

    Zombies are just annoying

    You seem to think you -are- the one to enlighten us though, climb the fuck off your high horse? Zombies arent optimal at the moment, you can handle them fine if you're experienced but no, the run speed isnt optimal, I'd rather you outrun them at first but you cant sprint forever, for example. What gives you the right to bitch at people and claim you -are- right?
  3. DiehardNoob

    Looking to support a server

    Power in numbers? In a open firefight maybe, less so for everything else, you just up your chance of being spotted:) Tell me what servers you play so I can drop by and do some sniping? Seriously though, get shot in towns? Maybe move away from the coast, its where all the kills happen, you can survive for ages inland.
  4. DiehardNoob


    Dear OP, Use an online map, look at the bottomright of your screen when you login/respawn to see location and navigate with the map. Find gear, play the game. Stop whining, noob.
  5. How old are you, may I ask?
  6. DiehardNoob

    Group of 5 looking to add a few more

    Your name doesnt exist on steam? But I added the other guy. I'm 2 weeks into Day Z now but experienced in shooter/survival games. EDIT: I added the other guy but he doesnt have a steam profile yet. Please dont make bogus advertisements?
  7. DiehardNoob

    'Soldier' class?

    Soldier is a tag you get after X kills? Is it characterbound or carries over to all?
  8. DiehardNoob

    'Soldier' class?

    In riddles you speak, young padawan.
  9. DiehardNoob

    'Soldier' class?

    So I was just playing some Day Z ofc, I was in Elektro being the bandit I am (sometimes), shooting people, looting, running and suddenly someone with a helmet, full camo, an assault rifle (m4 series something), alice pack and 'Soldier' instead of 'Survivor' tag before his name runs by me and kills me..? How to get Soldier tag?
  10. DiehardNoob

    UK survivor looking for Squad

    I'm 20, got a mic, message me I guess.
  11. Hunting big game is the way, I believe a cow drops 8 meat?
  12. Lets create a new group, I'm in. Im somewhat new to Day Z (a week in only) but pretty experienced in shooters.
  13. DiehardNoob

    Its hard to be a good guy

    Im up for playing in a group:)