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Everything posted by aversionfx

  1. Oh, yeah. Crafting was a totally on-point suggestion. Some people are just so thick. I don't know how the majority of you guys made it to adulthood without jamming a butter knife into an electrical outlet.
  2. aversionfx

    Blood Trail

    A blood trail could lead to some pretty unique situations. I'm not sure how it would be implemented, but it would be nice to be able to track someone who has been wounded. Not to mention the psychological effects of stumbling upon a trail of blood completely by accident. My heart skips a beat when I see movement, I can't imagine what it would be like to see a trail of blood leading into a building I'm surveying.
  3. I actually did read your thread, as I do with every thread. It was typical "this is how I want the game to be," without even bothering to think any of it through. Pretty much every point above either completely ignores the direction of the game, or is something that you think is "cool." Nothing engaging, nothing unique, and nothing remotely interesting.
  4. As soon as people stop making stupid suggestions, and this cesspool of a forum gets cleaned up, I'll give it a rest.
  5. aversionfx


    I think that having an armed vehicle would be way too ... unfair? I mean, I get that the game has no balance in mind whatsoever. But it would just be mayhem if you and a friend could drive around in almost complete safety (most players couldn't hit the side of a barn in a real fight, let alone a quickly moving target) shooting and killing absolutely everyone you came across. No. Pickup trucks without guns, sure. Armed vehicles? No.
  6. aversionfx

    Tommy Gun

    If you ever find yourself saying "this would be cool," and want to make a suggestion then here's what you should do: 1. Close your web browser. 2. Go make a sandwich or something. 3. Go outside and stare at the sun.
  7. aversionfx

    MP5SD mags convertable to M9SD and vice-versa

    MP5 and M9 do not use the same magazine. Regardless of caliber, you cannot jam an MP5 magazine into an M9 and vice versa. Think in terms of the actual weapon, and not "oh, they use the same bullets so I should just be able to convert between the two." No. Unless you want to feed one bullet at a time into the chamber and do it that way. But even then, that's dumb.
  8. The more medical supplies are available, the less valuable they become. Medical supplies should be among the most valuable things you find, period. Bad idea.
  9. aversionfx

    empty server = less loot

    Those are the servers I sit in and wait for server hoppers to choose so that I can plug their skulls and take all of their ill-gotten gains.
  10. aversionfx

    Tommy Gun

    Why would you find an American sub-machine gun made in 1919 in a (presumably) eastern European country. Also, please learn the difference between "clips" and "magazines." Sheesh.
  11. I'm sure this thread will survive until the game becomes stand alone.
  12. aversionfx

    Starter weapon...

    Search Results Your search for the term start weapon returned 119 results No way, people have posted about this before!? It took TWENTY goddamn seconds! Stop being so lazy.
  13. Post this once the game is actually on track to be standalone, and not while it's still in alpha. You're jumping the gun kind of a lot.
  14. aversionfx

    Currency System

    It certainly didn't get invented while people were struggling simply to survive with man-eating people wandering the countryside. So your stupid question is moot. Thanks for playing, please don't come back.
  15. aversionfx

    Personal Space for Players

    No homes. No safe places. No stash. Why would any of those things be in this game? This isn't World of Warcraft.
  16. aversionfx

    Broken leg? Splint it up!

    Search Results Your search for the term splint returned 83 results
  17. aversionfx

    Bohemia Collaberation and more!

    You don't get to post about "collaborations" if you can't even spell the word. Also, good job wasting space on the forum. Also the fact that you messed it up in the thread name, and then spelled it a different way in your actual post just makes me really sad.
  18. aversionfx

    Extended First Aid

    Some of these are okay, and would definitely deepen the mechanics for survival. However, I don't think it would be worth expanding on these things, simply because most encounters with hostile players are fatal. I think your concept of cloth not being as effective as a bandage is poor - bandages are made from cloth, and they are both applied in the exact same manner. I would like to see splints, and alcohol used in numerous forms (such as a disinfectant, painkiller, and as fuel for creating molotovs).
  19. aversionfx

    Decrease enfield damage.

    Go Google an image of the bullet the Lee Enfield fires (7.7x56mmR), and then compare it with the (5.56x45) and then ask your stupid question again.
  20. From the "READ BEFORE POSTING!" thread that you clearly didn't read! Make an effort. If you need to bump your own thread, then it wasn't interesting the first time around. Chances are it won't be interesting the second or third time, either.
  21. aversionfx

    new feature: military

    I hate when people come into threads and say "good idea!" Because this is not a good idea. At any given point, there are at least two suggestions for "NPC camps". They are not going to happen. Rocket himself has said as much. Stop fucking posting suggestions for things that the creator has already said are not going to happen.
  22. aversionfx

    suggestion on pve coop

    Society would be completely nonexistent so long as the outbreak was still ongoing. Also, stop suggesting npc camps, they're not going to happen.
  23. aversionfx

    Punishment for banditry?

    Dumbest thing i've read. And for these forums, that's saying something. I wish the suggestion forum would be closed entirely. 99% of these suggestions are absolutely terrible.
  24. aversionfx

    Crossbow with scope and magazine

    And crossbows don't fire arrows. Fail right off the bat.
  25. aversionfx

    Currency System

    Then what the hell is the point in making a thread about currency? There are already plenty of things to trade. Goddamn some of you people are stupid.