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Everything posted by galesoffgrid

  1. About 4 to 5 days ago I was browsing mods in the workshop and the steam client was acting weird - So I restarted my PC and when I went back to the Steam workshop, I was logged out. When I went to login it says wrong name/password even though it's correct. Long story short - I have done all of the trouble shooting you can find online - recovered my account 50x , waited hours if not days between attempts, cleared all of the Appdata , caches, even reinstalled Steam - Same shit, even on the Steam website - Every time I get "wrong name/password" and there is no one to contact at Steam, just the bullshit online troubleshooter they have, which only let's you reset a password = Zero help. I've been using computers and the net since the '90s - This is so f#$ing ridiculous it's unreal lol Dayz absolutely amazing game... Steam = Absolutely DogShit Any Ideas Greatly Appreciated, Only a week and I sure miss Modding
  2. galesoffgrid

    Anyone else not able to login to Steam?

    Thank you for the quick response - Do you really want to know what the problem was? I think this may be tripping up some others I've seen post over the months and years - The login will Not accept your Account's Email - It Has to Be the Steam Account Name - So I repeat - Steam login will Not accept your email, It must be your Steam Name ! HAHA user error
  3. galesoffgrid

    Custom Terrain- East Shadow Issue

    Just an update - After posting to several discords I finally received a reply on the Grandpa DayZ Modding Discord by one of the members. They suggested checking the Latitude / Longitude settings. I Tried switching them up both in terrain builder and in the Config.cpp file before running Mikero's pboproject on the terrain - pboProject completes successful -East Shadow Issue Persists 😞 To me, the strangest part is that it's only my own custom maps and it's only player equipment or vehicle generated lighting - Sun and Moon Work Fine which means Terrain Normals are fine... Mystery Continues!
  4. galesoffgrid

    Custom Terrain- East Shadow Issue

    Good Morning All, I have a unique terrain issue that has been making me crazy for months now and no one seems to want to attempt to point me in the right direction for troubleshooting. I've asked on a few different Map Discords with no response. So here it goes- This issue only shows up on custom terrains I've made with L3DT standard and Terrain Builder - This does Not effect any of the official DayZ maps or any of the custom steam maps (I have 99% of the DayZ maps, Chiemsee, Namalsk, Deer Isle, Esseker, Banov, etc. installed on my home LAN server and they all work great) My custom maps, one is 512mx512m the other is 5k x 5k - Both have ~15+ mods installed (DayZ Expansion, Rev Guns, Gebs Fish, etc) and everything works great - sun moon speculars and shadows all perfect, navmesh perfect, custom ground textures with sound effects mapped - perfect..... I really cant find any other issues but this one: Any light source Other then the Sun or Moon works perfect Except when you look East the Terrain always has a dark shadow - The line is definitely North-South indicated by the compass heading at the top of my screen in the screenshots. This happens regardless if the ground textures are custom or DayZ Vanilla (the rock texture at the river is DayZ vanilla rock PAA). Notice too that the shadow East issue is Only the Terrain and Not any of the Grass clutter or Objects, as seen in the Truck and Dunes pictures. The Balota Airfield Screenshots show how the shadows Should look for comparison to Chernarus Here's a quick Bitchute Video I chopped together showing the issue - I cannot figure out how to attach screenshots to this forum.. ***https://www.bitchute.com/video/s6tasNr3iUfI/ The only hint I may have is that in L3DT standard you cannot make high res light maps - the option is greyed out and the Pro Trial Keys no longer valid- no response from L3DT.... Not sure if that has anything to do with the terrain East shadow. Theres also a script option in L3DT to ' Bake Light Onto Texture' ? Not sure if this would do anything, Any help greatly appreciated as this has had me stumped for months now!
  5. galesoffgrid

    What is the maximum height for navmesh generation

    I'm still learning the whole Mod thing but I figured I would ask you something since I'm also waiting on replies to my Terrain question. Does your AI seem to work at the other altitudes, just Not at 9000m? I would try generating another test map with a maximum height of say 6000m Or place AI spawns every 1000m until you find a spot that clearly doesnt work. You could also try asking on a map maker's discord like namalsk, barrington, chiemsee, rostow, deer isle, etc.. After cruising through many arma and dayz tutorials, I never saw anything regarding maximums in Navmesh - github.com/zen0bit/DayZmap-Template pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:the-atlas-by-jakerod Wish I could be of more help, DayZ Modding is like solving riddles and Stories Full of Holes - But Still the Most Fun You're Gonna Have Out of Any Game! 😄 Good Luck Don't Quit, ~ Terd
  6. galesoffgrid

    My posts are stuck at Pending Approval?

    somehow this one worked - scratch that
  7. galesoffgrid

    My posts are stuck at Pending Approval?

    How do they get approved?