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About Reliel

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  1. By 'beginners' do you mean 'retarded ape babies with only one hand growing out of their chest'? Because even those ape babies are doing pretty well.
  2. Another person who needs the sand cleaned out of his vagina. Nothing to see here folks!
  3. Reliel

    new player need a group

    Oh you kids...when will you learn that eventually, someone will back stab you?
  4. What the medic said. People avoid each other most the time but hey, if you want to cause much butt hurt, go looking for people and blow them away without asking their name. I guarantee that hilarity will ensue.
  5. Reliel

    Didn't mommy ever teach you..

    Who runs into a church when being chased by zombies? I don't think prayer helps a festering bite.
  6. Reliel

    Is it possible to trust?

    You can trust people, just don't get bent out of shape when their agenda is different. Like shooting you in the head and taking your food, water, guns and ammo. Or leaving you to die in a zombie infested building.
  7. Reliel

    Leaving Mod for now

    Well, bye. Don't forget your purse and tampons.
  8. Of course it's difficult. I mean really, where's the suspense and heart pounding when you're given a weapon and supplies in a HORROR SURVIVAL game? Answer: There isn't one. And you're stupid for asking. It's not even the fact that it's an alpha. It's the fact that people seem to lack any motivation or get too attached to their fake items. THAT is the problem.
  9. Reliel

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    Oh God, please tell me you're joking. If you aren't, let me know so I can stop holding in my laughter.
  10. Reliel

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    God that would be great. I'd probably even get a nickname. Krimson Killer or lolipwntrustingidiots.
  11. Reliel

    Questions about the mod

    Sounds like Project Zomboid. (With the boarding up of windows and making a fort, etc.) It sounds nice, in theory.
  12. You people just don't grasp the mentality. If I meet a guy who gives me his rifle, I'm gonna blow him away with that rifle and take his stuff. Am I an asshole for it? Sure. Am I playing to survive? Yep. That is the point. Play to survive. By any means necessary.
  13. Because people are spoon fed by normal games and NEED that edge to feel safe. And they're stupid. Very very stupid.
  14. Reliel

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    I won't be kiss your ass friendly but I'll take you along for the ride. Until I get bored. Then I'll blow your brains out and take whatever you have on you. It's a survival game, not a circle jerk simulator.