__**OverKILL - [4 Player Max][Secured Containers][XP System][MapLink]**__
__**[Fresh Wipe 1/4]**__
*Server IP:* DeerIsle
*Server IP:* Cherno
**Have what it takes to dominate?**
*A new server with a new take on PVP, Exploration, and much more!*
__***Some of our Mods include:***__
✦ Tarkov-like PVP feel (reworked sGunplay)
✦ Secure Containers
✦ Tarkov-like cases (Like the dogtag,documents,keytool,SICC Case)
✦ Variety of ammo types, varying penetration values
✦ Variety of attachments for recoil reduction
✦ Complete infographic Ballistic Chart & Medical Chart
✦ Custom Made weapons for OverKill
✦ +10 Armor & Helmet types each
✦ Custom medical equipment
✦ Easy to Use Expansion Trader
✦ Base Building Plus
✦ C4 Raiding
✦ Helicopters
✦ Boats
✦ Custom Keys/Keycard
✦ PVP Access Key Zones
✦ Custom sellable Barter Items, drugs, metals, to earn money
✦ Safe-Zone
✦ Rotating Bandit
✦ Dynamic Heli Crashes
✦ Unlimited Stamina
✦ No Vehicle Damage
✦ Map Grouping System
✦ Sleeping Bags
✦ Leaderboards
✦ Battle-Pass*
✦ Toxic Zones
✦ and **MORE!**
**- TEASER VIDEO -** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnCLPqzp-dY
**- WEBSITE -** https://overkilldayz.com/
**- DISCORD -** https://discord.gg/overkilldayz
__**JOIN NOW!**__