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Everything posted by shirotenshi@gmail.com

  1. Shameless bump. Please do consider this group. It's fun and we're always looking for new members.
  2. shirotenshi@gmail.com

    [UKT] recruiting active players

    Best resume. Ever. lol
  3. Hi! I'm in the GMT timezone, looking for people to play with because I'm tired of playing alone and not knowing what to do once i get enough supplies to not even need to anywhere near a town at all. Looking for people preferably in the same timezone. I'm mainly a friendly so other friendlies preferred (but not necessary. I'll take pretty much anyone as long as something FUN is involved :P). Edit: Forgot to say I am 26.
  4. shirotenshi@gmail.com

    Stuck at loading screen

    Same here. Canot connect to any server. Was fine couple of days ago except for the body artifacts graphics bug.
  5. shirotenshi@gmail.com

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    Do you understand I already posted within the 20 words or less before? As if I'm the first one to go over 20 words. Awareness ftw. Seriously if you don't like to read it, skip it.
  6. shirotenshi@gmail.com

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    No chance of randomly generated starting items? I mean really. At first people were saying 'How many people just have gun in their home?' To which i answer, a whole lot. Not all, but there is a percentage of the population that DOES own a weapon. In my country, its easier to own a double barreled shotgun for hunting that it is to own a measly handgun. In Spain i have seen .22's being sold without the need for a licence. In the US, well depending on state laws the type of weapon changes but even my father in law had a 9mm and a .22 rifle at home, and hes a Mexican emigrant. Granted, not everyone would have access to those weapons OR be able to get to them in time, but not everyone would be weaponless. As previously stated. A piece of 2x4 would be a weapon. Right now posting this from my workplace all i need is to look around and instantly i have a wide variety of possible improvised weapons. For example: #1- Looking around the first thing i can think of is a 4 foot aluminum bar that's part of a coat hanger. Easy to get to and easier to remove. Breaks easily but would get some good hits in. #2- Steel 4 foot rod with a handle on one side and a hook on the other. We use this to pull down the metal grating when we close the store at night. Steel makes it muck more durable, though it is heavier and harder to swing. Now, i work at a sports and outdoor store. We sell machetes, axes, pocket knifes, etc. I'm not even counting those. I'm just focusing on whats more likely to be available across a wide range of places. This all just to show that not everyone will escape with exactly the same gear. Starting with randomly generated stuff would add a different experience every time. Your priorities would change depending on what you have. So some start with a revolver? Make them only have 6 rounds. Don't give them extra ammo. Some start with the hatchet. Other start with a few more food supplies so they don't have to rush in search of some right from the start, etc.
  7. shirotenshi@gmail.com

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    Well, so far, as a new DayZ player i have to say i have mixed feelings about this new patch. Having played before and after, i do agree that zombies before were a bit too easy toa void, but now they are downright supernatural ESP zombies. And the fact you dont spawn with a weapon i can understand, but come on, so many things laying around that can be used as weapons and you cant improvise one? You cant pick up a fist szed rock and bash some zombies heads with it (To stun and knock them back, highly doubt it would kill them)? Cant pick up a fallen branch and use it as a makeshift melee weapon? For god's sake, even a sock full of pebbles can be a deadly weapon if used correctly. I feel new players need some sort of weapon to start with. A firearm? No. A melee weapon? yes. After all, how realistic is it not being able to use anything else other than the hatchet as a melee weapon, when there's so many useful derbies and junk just laying around?