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Everything posted by ebianbluefox

  1. Cause even transgenders are disagreeing with you.
  2. ebianbluefox

    Servers restarting without warning

    I have mine set up for scripted auto restarts every 8 hours and it does warnings at 15,10,5,1 prior to the restart. Pretty simple to do.
  3. ebianbluefox

    Question about support tickets

    I have replied to a ticket before DayZ staff did and no, there was no difference.
  4. We all were asleep.. but there's not a whole heck of a lot we can do. The servers don't produce a whole heck of a lot of logs and combing through the scripts file that battleeye logs... everything looks normal.
  5. I have reloaded the ban list and removed people who were previously on it.
  6. ebianbluefox

    Multiple servers on same box?

    Do you have then running on the same port?
  7. ebianbluefox

    We Need More Expert Servers

    Because it's not popular. My US 302 was on Expert with everything turned off and it never got above 6 people who were just farming NW Airfield since no one was ever on, and to me it makes the game less fun to play with no one on. Kinda defeats the purpose and intensity of PVP.
  8. Download http://www.battleye.com/downloads/BERCon.exe
  9. U.B.C.S. 302 has changed to 3DP ON : Cross hairs ON: Map ON as hardcore only wasn't as popular.
  10. 7-6-12 Changes. 1) Lobby Idlers are now kicked after 10 mins of inactivity. 2) 15 Minute warning message counting down until server restart (15 , 10 , 5 ,1)
  11. We don't ban people from server logs alone. We only ban people we visually see pull zombies purposely and then disconnect, or who alt-f4 the moment they get shot at by another player.
  12. ebianbluefox

    Server stuck on loading

    Sounds kinda like your IP isn't whitelisted yet.
  13. It's still on the -5 timezone, I was just editing the server file earlier in the night and must have changed the display by accident.
  14. ebianbluefox

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

    Put in to have my server imported, thanks guys!
  15. ebianbluefox

    Tent city levelled.

    Yes, a grenade blows tents to hell. Always fun to do.
  16. You have to edit the veteran profile in order to change 3rd person to on. The file you want is cfgdayz.arma2oaprofile its located in your arma 2 OA directory under /cfgdayz/users/cfgdayz
  17. There was a problem with the last restart, it should be fixed now (for good). of course it had to have happened when I was asleep.