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Everything posted by ebianbluefox

  1. ebianbluefox

    I am so pissed off at DayZ servers

    It tents don't respawn on server restart, wait for the next one they will be back.
  2. On my dedicated I havnt noticed any difference.. maybe near my 5.5 hour mark, 30 mins before restart, it takes 3 mins from clicking join game to getting into game. (assuming the server is maxed out for the previous 6 hours)
  3. Ravin was trying to get me to use 64 and I think I'll try setting it there during tonights restart.
  4. All 3 servers are up once again. US128, US167 and US302. I fixed the problem that was causing them to lag sorry for the inconvenience to those that play on 167 and 302. Also US128 has been increased to 80 slots.
  5. It's your time It has to be 6 digits long (HHMMSS) if your doing it by the minute instead of exact time. SO one minute would be 000100
  6. copy the contents of your scheduler and I'll take a look at it.
  7. Before the latest patches we could run 3 dedicated servers just fine on our box, but because of the latest patches and increased disk usage that came along with it (to fix texture exploits) we will be having to shut down US302.
  8. ebianbluefox

    Who has udpated to beta 95168?

    All my servers run 95168 and it seems to be working well.
  9. Nope i have mine and and it works.
  10. Restart the server and the vehicles that aren't in there legitly will despawn.
  11. In order to use the BEC commands in game you have to talk in a channel posted to the server. Global is your best bet as that is always posted to the server, Direct chat is only posted to the server when another client can hear you.
  12. There's alot of trolls in here, If you know their hacking just ban them.
  13. Now running Arma 2 beta 95099 and removed regularCheck = ""; from config files to fix the texture exploit.
  14. My servers will be open as they always are.
  15. ebianbluefox

    How to: Server Admin Messages?

    Only if you have your own dedicated server or access to RDP and it's for sending scheduled messages, if you just wanna send an admin message to the server download BErcon and send it that way.
  16. ebianbluefox

    Nametags not turning on?

    Yup my US302 has Veteran with crosshairs on running 95054 so it's definitely possible.
  17. ebianbluefox

    Nametags not turning on?

    You can have cross hairs on and be on Veteran just not nametags. But the OP said they changed to Regular.
  18. Helicopters are currently disabled except on very old servers. Cars are on by default.
  19. ebianbluefox

    Nametags not turning on?

    Do you have Crosshairs turned on? friendly tags only work with that.
  20. In the batch file or what ever your using to launch the server add -ip=
  21. Updated the server to Arma 2 beta 95054
  22. This is a great weapon farming opportunity! My servers are updated to 94997 and almost no one is on them. 1 has 1 and the other 2 have 3 each. Been like that all night since no one has really updated yet.
  23. ebianbluefox

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    Here's a post from Dev Team Member Ander just yesterday in the thread "Need clarification on bannable offenses" http://dayzmod.com/f...320#entry327320
  24. ebianbluefox

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    It may be an "exploit" but if you ban for it and they report that to the Dev team you will get blacklisted. I banned a few who were "combat logging" and about 10 mins later I had Devs in my TS3 telling me I couldn't do that.