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Everything posted by insaniac.94

  1. insaniac.94

    Suggestion: Indiv. shoes/boots

    Gopsy would love this suggestion! Gopsy is always saying that Mr Rocket does not know fashion and this could help him. We need to wear many colors on feet to make players more fashionable and look less silly than all the men with their boring green clothes and gas masks
  2. insaniac.94

    New Form of Handcuffs

    Gopsy likes being able to tie people, but wonders why so many colors in this thread?
  3. insaniac.94

    Game would be fun if they had a smaller boundry

    Gopsy does not think this is good idea. This alpha is meant for testing actual game so what would point be of reducing size of alpha if game is going to be this size already?
  4. insaniac.94

    How do you interact with others in this game?

    Gopsy is also curious, but when I say this to people they just call I gay
  5. insaniac.94

    DayZ is peaceful

    You sound like you are having the bad day, why dont you have a drink with me and take off your pants?
  6. insaniac.94

    Poor FPS with computor

    Hallo there, this is Gopsy. I have been trying to get good FPS with my Computor but I am having trouble. I have found I can only get 20 fps by throwing it, and I was wondering if anyone here knew how to make it go faster?
  7. insaniac.94

    Will There Ever be "Epoch" for Standalone?

    Will there ever be Epoch for standalone? Will there ever be a distinctive period of time for standing alone? Will there ever be a specific time where every man stands by herself with their junk swinging in the breeze? Will Gopsy ever understand what is being talked about? No.
  8. insaniac.94

    graphic card question

    Gopsy suggests using potato, potato always gives best results.
  9. insaniac.94

    Problems Drawing my weapons

    Have you ever tapped your weapon too many times and experienced it being holstered again before you you can unload on someone's face?
  10. insaniac.94

    An Idea to Stop most of the PvP

    Gopsy likes this, Gopsy likes to use an axe to keep his buissiness quiet ja?