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About radius

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Why not just double tap the forward key while moving? Much more efficiant, you don't have to move your fingers to a new position or anything.
  2. radius

    Dear Esther and DayZ

    Probably poorly, it's all corridors and not an open world at all.
  3. It seems to me you have yourself skylined. IN other words, you are standing at the top of the hill like a tree and he is staring up at you. Even nearly blind someone could pick you out from a mile away like that. The ArmA engine probably weights that kind of thing heavily against you as it should.
  4. radius

    M4A3 CCO Question.

    Can you adjust the sight? Try setting it for the range you're aiming for.
  5. radius


    I have to wonder, why pick on sandboxes? I doubt it would be any better with a limited engine like a CoD style game where there are less options and corridors all over the place. People would just be killing each other at a higher rate. At least with the ArmA engine you have a chance to keep yourself fairly isolated unless you want to put yourself into the middle of a hotspot.
  6. My take on it: Rocket is creating what he wants, it's his vision. Some will like it, some will hate it. Does anyone's opinion count one way or the other? Nope.
  7. I demand a fap option. For you know, when I'm alone.
  8. Yep, that's in there too. ;) The nice thing about this game is extensibility. People should Google addons and/or maps for the game and see what's out there. There's lots of great stuff.
  9. Just curious because I know there are a lot of new players to the ArmA franchise due to this mod coming out, but if anyone likes the coop aspect and hasn't tried a server with a Domination or Insurgency map then I urge you to try. ArmA offers a vast gaming experience far beyond what DayZ alone can give. There are also other flavors of PvP and PvE if you like as well. Don't limit yourself to one mod and get caught up in the constant flame wars, get some realism mods and try something else and see what you think.
  10. radius

    DayZ equals Sociopath's/assholes

    lol what? You posted this: personality disorder characterized by "...a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood."[1] And I am saying that is a classic example of an armchair web MD taking something completely out of context. That alone does not a sociopath make.
  11. radius

    DayZ equals Sociopath's/assholes

    The "It's a game' date=' and I can do whatever I want" argument is not valid when said game involves other human beings. The fact the other person isn't sitting next to you doesn't cause all of the social norms that dictate the way that we should treat one another to suddenly become invalid. [/quote'] spot one good chap, saddly online gaming seems to make people believe quite the opposite. I do enjoy a good bit of social punishment to my friends when they are complete dicks online, nothing says you were a douche like a missing xbox or router. I usually get my friends a gag gift like a blowup doll or something for their birthday and have them open it at a family gathering if possible. Same effect really. Who doesn't want an inflatable sheep anyhow?
  12. radius

    DayZ equals Sociopath's/assholes

    How was it wasted? I don't get that. I die a lot against players and AI' date=' don't see as it really matters at all. [/quote'] it matter because this game like so many others proves that people are generally Sociopaths. EX: BF3 ok. I see someone get in jet before me I will WAIT. I get in a jet but other guy wants in he shoots me right away same team and all. hence the meaning of sociopath. Complete disregard for others for your own gain. Except sociopathic tenancies aren't necessarily to blame. It's a game and that's how people treat it. You could easily say people in bombers IRL are sociopaths for killing without regarding the victims as real, except studies have shown that the perception of the pilots is altered when white blobs are seen on a screen. To them, it is just as real as any video game when they kill people, meaning not at all.