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Everything posted by Seier

  1. Try update battleye, that could help.
  2. Seier

    Weird Graphics

    Try to go in "Video memory" and set it to "Default" that fix it for me
  3. Seier

    Stuck in "Loading" screen!

    Try to re-update patch or battleye and see if it help. Some server got a longer loading screen then others.
  4. Happened to me ones else never happen. Some kind of spawn bug I think.
  5. Seier

    Graphic Glitching

    Try to set the "Video Memory" to "Default". That may help on your problems
  6. Seier

    I keep spawning at the coast?

    Most if not all the time you spawn on the coast near a city, where you can find suppllies to keep you alive.
  7. Hey Dayz forum, I have trouble joining Dayz servers. When I'm at black loading screen I can see some green text saying "Return to formation", "Fall Back", "Form on me" ect. and then it freezes on a black screen saying loading and I have to Ctrl Alt delete to get out. What can the problem be?
  8. Seier

    Error Fixes

    I follow the error fix guide to "Wrong CD Key" but I still get the error. -When I was following the guide I couldn't launch Arrowhead with nothing in "Set Launch Option", could that cause the problem?
  9. Seier

    Error Fixes

    ohh stupid me! thanks :D But when I open Arrowhead without anything in "Launch Option" it says "Error creating Direct3D 9 Graphical engine"
  10. Seier

    Error Fixes

    HELP! When I do the Verify Integrity of Game Cache it says "1 file failed to validate and will be reacquired" with Arma 2 and says the same just with 2 files when I do it on Arrowhead. What is the problem?/ How to fix it
  11. Seier

    Wait for host

    When I try to join a server through "Six Launcher" I get to a black screen that says "Wait for host" and nothing happens. What can I do to play Dayz again?
  12. Seier

    Inventory Missing

    I got the exact same issue. Anyone know got a solution?
  13. ahhh I see. damn I feel like a noob now. But anyway while I was in the game it said this "bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons" What does that mean?
  14. I tryed to respawn and now I spawned near the water where there were zombie. But my map wasn't working. I click "m" and got a black screen. How can I see the map?
  15. I followed your guide, but when I try to vonnect to a server. I get into "No mans land" Where there's nothing just some green mountains. Any ideas why?