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About JaysonWhite

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. JaysonWhite

    Community Spotlight - October 2022

    I have some suggestions join up the players into fillable clans which operate on player join leave basis and clan dictates rest of server(s) experience on DayZ (4 teams) colour selection at start (all colours chosen available in view in top left or in selection screen, colours differentiate always) leader selection through player vote, player names but no results basic encampment options with player interaction both time and visually, can be stopped and can't be damaged, at any point, also if player interacts, player assumes defensive, meanwhile, players must defend builders, if none in the area, chance for better construction learn, mastery would be skill-cap in server or server class allowing player to build encampment in 5 minutes, zones and territories marked with defensive structure, which needs to be destroyed, making loud inner encampment and walls protected with blue-light to remove zombies from area, unless other methods are available, although dangerous for survivors, a combination might work best for harvesting animals and saving them in traps farming player-based development for hills and terrain, requires seeds, water or irrigation, and gardening supplies which once plant is fully made, all osmosis can be observed in hidden scenes as engine develops them thanks for your time [edit] all this would be awesome as a game mode