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About DevilBlade

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  1. DevilBlade

    Start with one food and one drink.

    I have to disagree. That would ruin the fun of the game :P
  2. DevilBlade

    no weapons

    I really have mixed opinions on spawning with a weapon. it would make the game much more playable for new players, thats for sure. I feel they should make that decision for the server host's some server's you spawn with a weapon and some you don't? so the player can choose himself if he want's to play on a server where you spawn with a weapon or a server where you don't
  3. DevilBlade

    In middle of no where.

    Only way out of there as i know is run awhile then suicude :P the next time you log on the server it will be fixed
  4. exactly:P No starter gun would be fun without super zombies. But as it is now, its impossible unless you'r lucky to atleast find a mele weapon within range of no zombies.
  5. I can't see why i would wake up at a beach in the first place. And i believe that There's a higher posibility it would be more realistic if you spawned with a gun ''brought it from home'' in belief you had a license in game that is xD Then going in some random person's barn harvesting weapons xD
  6. Really the way it is now us un-experienced players can't get to a single town without dying... Every server i join people complain how much this game suck after you removed it and Buffed zombie aggro. I still enjoy the game though, but my honest opinion is, if this stays im guessing you will see a drastic loss of players. so my suggestion is you should atleast find a new way to balance the game. Thank you for the hard work.
  7. DevilBlade

    Computer Requirements

    from what i can see it's good enough yes
  8. DevilBlade

    can't see map! help

    It was fine until yesterday But now whenever i log onto a server all i see is a flat map no buildings no trees no nothing excet the sky and the ground. how to fix this?