Melee (-) I really dont care for the melee. Aside just from the wonkiness of how it gets handled in this engine being a gun, it also takes away from some things. Previously say I want to hunt animals near my camp or vehicle...I'd want to have a crossbow/silenced with me so I don't give away my position. Now just need a hatchet. Makes the crossbow fairly useless Id say. Starting with nothing (+) This is great! Starting with so little makes every find that much better. Finding even a Mak now is awesome. Surviving makes you feel even more accomplished. I tend to see more people teaming up at the start now as well. All around good. I'd even say starting w/o a pack would be even better. Performance (-) .4 has made the game run really super bad for me. I actually stopped playing because it was running so sluggish. Previous to this patch it was running pretty smooth most of the time. Zed LoS (?) Dunno how I feel on this one. I'm all for more difficult AI...but not sure this really makes it difficult. Actually seems to be easier now. Kinda puts you in a mode of running all the time till you see an enterable building. Zeds loose loot...then run to the next building. No more do I find myself sneaking around town (which I truly enjoyed). Yea they were kinda dumb...but still had to be careful. Also, having to sneak so slow made you vulnerable to other players. It usually put you in interesting and scary situations...being surrounded by zombs who dont see you yet, and totally out in the open for other players to pick you off. Now its just run. Anyways keep it up!