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  1. I've back flipped an apache and gotten a giigle by tuning the engine off in the huey and lol'ed at the panic which is another must do thing
  2. http://v.cdn.cad-comic.com/comics/cad-20060826-ff7ce.jpg can I ask you how "sitting in 1 spot and waiting for a target to come to you" in dayz/arma is different from "sitting in 1 spot and waiting for a target to come to you" in bf3? it seems to me like its the same thing, your both sitting in 1 spot (check) your both waiting for a kill to present itself (check) oooooo I know what you mean you where going along the lines of "hurr durr this is dayz, cod/bf3 is so low brow ho hum cup of tea I'm an elitist fuckwit," glad we got that cleared up.... may you also refuse the cheaper pharmaceuticals because they dont carry big names and snob at the notion of using anything less then the most expensive glassware to sip your bottled water.... I'm not saying the sniping itself is unbalanced, its fine, I'm saying that the issue is the way you can use 3rd person to see through solid objects, and as high and mighty as you claim to be there is a lot of snipers/bandits in this mod who use 3rd person in this way, if 3rd person suddenly stopped revealing players/zombies that where blocked by solid objects (just showed the map) there would be a fuckload less rooftop snipers in cities, because they would have to look over the edge and expose themselves.... [the whole no showing blocked players/zombies is just what came to mind I'm sure there is a better way] that's most of the issue solved right there, no more city snipers cos skylining on a rooftop is bad. which is the only issue with sniping at the moment (besides the zombie spawning) long distance sniping that requires effort was never mentioned in my posts because it shouldnt be balanced for the victim.... for some reason you guys seemed to think 3rd person isnt an issue because u didn't do it yourselves in the same way crack, herion and any other drug epidemic hasn't been an issue anywhere anytime because I'm not addicted. let me dot point this motherfucker for you 1.) 3rd person camping is bad 2.) long range sniping should be sided towards the sniper 3.) the definition of camping is determined by the action not the game, speeding on a motorbike is no different then speeding in a car 4.) playing dayz doesnt make u better then a bf3/cod player in the same eating pringles makes you no better then the guy eating lays crisps 5.) running out of shit to put here 6.) G24HAM is still a fuckwit for point 4
  3. are we playing the same game? let me run 3 scenarios by you, I went and grabbed some screenshots to illustrate, the image on the left is 3rd person, image on the right is 1st; now these may not only apply to snipers but it proves how 1 sided 3rd person is for those who lie and wait. https://dl.dropbox.c...Games/compa.png sniper laying down on hospital roof, using 3rd person he can see any and everything happening in his sector without any risk of being spotted, you are his bitch when he takes the 2 seconds (being generous) to crouch, aim, shoot and go prone.. you will never know where he was. the 1st person shot you will see is quite different story, the sniper sees a wall... https://dl.dropbox.c...es/compara2.png enemy player can see, watch and again make you his bitch thanks to third person you cant see through his tree, but he can see around it, he knows ur every step and u wont know his unless he wants you too, again as shown it cant be done in first person https://dl.dropbox.c...es/compara3.png self explantory now I'd like you to answer me how "third person doesnt make a difference" when it lets you see through solid walls, around corners etc etc etc. also note third person wont help the other guys see these campers.
  4. yeah, I loved how the sniper scopes reflected light in the dark metro tunnels in bf3. the thing that makes sniping unbalanced in arma 2 is third person, the ability to lay down in complete cover yet still able to see everything happening in the street below. so far the only way to fix it is play in 1st person only servers
  5. *cough* http://bit.ly/VyT734 *cough*
  6. crew served weapons.... really? congrats you made one of the dumber suggestions I've seen lately. thats what you where going for correct? riddle me this, what part of setting up mortar positions and crew served heavy machine gun positions sound 'zombie survival' to you? dunno if we will survive till tomorrow dunno what we gonna eat tonight dunno if the cut I got sifting through cherno will get infected but if there's one thing I do know, its this 58kg (128 lb) m2 machine gun is vital for us to carry around on our back, now if only the barracks would spawn the dam user manual so we could figure out how to use it.
  7. I'll save you the huge effort of using the forum search tool... don't log out when its flashing it means your in combat any other questions? like how to turn on your flashlight? tldr
  8. someone who loves me for who I am and not because of my star wars dvd box set tldr
  9. I read the op's post and the only thing I gathered from it was "if your using a hack sight, make sure its a different email address then your public used one" so I posted that, shes not convincing people to not go on hacking forums, shes telling them to be smarter about it... the tldr part was there just because, no need to get all omg omg on me
  10. deleting my posts only helps those without common sense, e.i the ones who get caught anyway.
  11. its arma 2, get used it it, sa will be released soon.
  12. I'd hate to have to work for my kills too, let me booby trap cherno supermarket and giggle at the bambis who find it
  13. most of the kids play console because its cheaper then pc gaming.