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About HyperMunki

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    On the Coast

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  1. HyperMunki

    1.25 Experimental Release

    I purchased DayZ along with the Livonia DLC, and I’m thoroughly satisfied with this decision. It’s a strategic move to bundle them together for new buyers at a slightly higher price, while rewarding existing base game owners with a bonus. While this change might not sit well with everyone I'm sure most of certainly got their games worth. My experience with the game has been enjoyable and an adventure. Kudos to the developers for their exceptional work!"
  2. HyperMunki

    HoodieZ contest

  3. HyperMunki

    Christmas Trees despawning

    Sounds like a stupid question but ........ I was thinking of placing some xmas trees at the traders when the holidays get closer but their spawn only last so many hours when I spawned one myself. I had adjusted their lifespan in types.xml to 3888000 but still the same. Is there anything files that needs to be adjusted? Thank you
  4. I just had two players mention that it was mid day on the server when a scheduled restart happen and moments later when they returned it was night time. Is there something in the confit with the timing that needs to be corrected? Thank you
  5. I managed to turn off the "Humanity" feature by changing the following ["UseHumanity": 1,] and changed it to ["UseHumanity": 0,] in the "HardlineSettings.json" file but what is the best way to just turn off Hardline as a whole?
  6. I installed the "DayZ-Expansion-Bundle" as I pretty much wanted everything in it but I want to disable "DayZ-Expansion-Hardline" as we have no interest in using the humanity option. Is there a simple way to disable a particular mod or because it's a bundle it's treated as one entire mod? Thank you