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Everything posted by Sr.Pomidor

  1. Are there any docs (or at least not really bad tutorials) on how to play with missions, queues, timers, and other core game stuff and how it works under the hood? pls help TL;DR; A few days ago I decided to create my own game missions and custom events. Without any third-party add-ons, just my own, simple and from scratch. Just to understand each line of code. I am a bit experienced with textures, custom items, and simple modeling, so now it's time for bigger things. After a few days of investigation, I found that there are some MissionBase-based classes (like MissionServer and MissionGameplay), some queues like CALL_CATEGORY_SYSTEM, etc, RPC, a lot of timers, and other stuff. And I still have no clear vision of how it all works together. All I can do for now - just disassemble other dayz add-ons like a medieval surgeon and pray to all dev gods the author had a clear vision and understanding of what he was doing while working on his Frankenstein creation. As a software developer with 8+ years, I know that's the most inefficient and really low-performance way. And the most important - you'll never know whether you do things well or badly. It's not really hard to find some unity or ue4/5 docs and guidelines with almost all stuff explained, but here I really got stuck