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Everything posted by DayZWarrior1932

  1. DayZWarrior1932

    Stable Update 1.19

    I already told you who I was. I am one of the most sought-after programmers in the industry and specialize in vehicle simulation in a multiplayer environment. Ever played a dedicated online racer that was smooth and performed wonderfully? Chances are you're taking pleasure in my work. I think you need to practice your driving skills a little more. Not everything in gaming comes for free. If you want reward you need to challenge yourself. This means learning the controls and learning how to control the vehicle. That you can't keep 4 wheels on the road is not a problem with the programming or networking code, it is a problem with the man behind the wheel. That is why I don't face this problem. I've learned to master the vehicle. If you want to have my experience, you best follow in my footsteps.
  2. DayZWarrior1932

    Stable Update 1.19

    Just had a delightful cruise in the Hummer and I must say, wow, the developers have really done it! Butter smooth operation, traction, and user experience all round. This was on a full pop server mind you. The unruly hooligans creating and circulating these hit-piece glitch videos are really being disrespectful to the developers who have worked tirelessly for years to provide a seamless driving experience to each and every DayZ player. I won't mention names because you know who you are and you know what you're doing. Anyone can intentionally produce glitch and bug propaganda if they corrupt the server config, add incompatible mods and purposely exploit rare quirks in the physics system that players will only very, very rarely encounter when playing normally. We're talking winning millions of dollars kind of rare. But hey, whatever it takes to get a little attention on the internet, right? I felt an ethical duty to speak up in defense of the wonderful developers that have done such an impeccable job with the vehicle simulation and net code in 1.19. They're being slandered in their own backyard by rioters who have yet to submit any substantive, rational claims about the state of DayZ vehicles. I've worked in the gaming industry as a vehicle specialist for multiple decades, so yeah, I really do know what I'm talking about.
  3. DayZWarrior1932

    Stable Update 1.19

    Forgive my lengthy absence. I've been working around the clock for weeks over at Turn 10 Studio to ensure that the vehicle simulation and net code regarding vehicle performance is running optimally for the upcoming Forza Motorsport release. I have a few minutes to correct some of the misconceptions that are circulating on this forum by a handful of misinformed know-it-all's. I am pleased to say that Forza is operating butter smooth with a server side net code implementation for maximum security. It really is possible to have the best of both worlds when you know what you're doing. With a PhD in Computer Science and over 20 years of specialization in programming racing games for some of the biggest most respected studios out there, it is safe to say I am the authority on this message board and that I know what I'm talking about. DayZ devs were not wrong to make the decision they did, putting cars server side. Hackers will make cars a death trap with incredible ease with a client side solution. This was evident in the old DayZ and the developers chose wisely. Nobody in their right mind would want that experience while enjoying DayZ vehicles. There are a few hooligans on here that think the DayZ devs have done a poor job on the vehicle simulation and net code for DayZ, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Their work actually rivals that of some of the top multiplayer racing sims on the market today, and I know because I've gotten my hands dirty polishing a few of them. Most of the videos these casuals are posting are issues that arise from heavily modded servers on poor hardware with poor networking and irresponsibly modified server configurations. Throw in some reckless driving and it is a recipe for disaster. It really is a case of "isolated incident" whereby they cherry pick extreme examples of malfunctioning DayZ vehicles on YouTube to confirm their pre existing biases without much or any concern whatsoever for objectivity. So I'll set the record straight. Both the net code and vehicle simulation programming for DayZ Standalone are some of the best that the gaming industry has to offer. It really is atypical to see a game that does not specifically specialize in racing with some much hands-on love put into optimizing vehicle performance when it is not the main priority. The 1.19 update has thankfully resolved some lingering issues that we commonly see even in dedicated racers. I won't say it is perfect, but pretty close! I will admit that I prefer my work on Forza, but hey, this is what I focus my energy on full time for a living. My words of advice for the whiners on here: get a decent connection, get some decent hardware, and run a full pop vanilla server with a default config and no mods that bloat the system. This is where you will see DayZ vehicles shine in all their glory, giving both the driver and passenger an impeccable gaming experience. Alright, I hope this helped clear of some of the urban myths that have been repeated on here for quite some time. But I have to get back to work! Turn 10 intends to make the latest Forza Motorsport the greatest multiplayer racer on the market, and so I'm dedicating as much of my time as possible to ensure the net code and vehicle simulation operate together seamlessly. Shout out to the devs at B.I...you're doing a phenomenal job on DayZ, including the vehicle experience. I give it my official 2.0 seal of approval. I even enjoyed myself a drunken cruise around Chenarus on Christmas day. I must say, the drifting was phenomenal and the online performance was remarkably smooth!
  4. DayZWarrior1932

    Stable Update 1.19

    Bunch of grumpy old grandpas throwing out words they don't even understand and think cars are still built like the 50's.This is DayZ in 2022 ladies and gentlemen. Cars work like they never have before since the new update. I know that geezers don't like changing how they think due to lower neuroplasticity but it is time to get with the times and read the 1.19 patch notes you skipped over to write your complaints since you lost at Bingo. This isn't alpha phase anymore.
  5. DayZWarrior1932

    Stable Update 1.19

    Bad drivers and amateur server configuration. You can't expect the devs to fix that.
  6. DayZWarrior1932

    Stable Update 1.19

    They got fixed in 1.19 in case you haven't read the update. They work perfect now aside from some minor lingering issues!
  7. DayZWarrior1932

    Stable Update 1.19

    I'm afraid the proof is in the pudding sweetie-pie. But in case that wasn't already enough we got my boy DrZZzZzZt spitting facts with an eye witness account, closing the case once and for all. In the words of Todd Howard, "It just works."
  8. DayZWarrior1932

    Stable Update 1.19

    Settle down now youngster. Baseless accusations are no replacement for counter-arguments. Oh wait, I forgot, you don't have any!
  9. DayZWarrior1932

    Stable Update 1.19

    Right call names when you have no valid counter-argument. I just so happen to be one of the most dangerous veteran bandits in DayZ. That's right, I'm your worst nightmare come true.
  10. DayZWarrior1932

    Stable Update 1.19

    Wrong! If the devs waited for all the bugs to be fixed before Stable release they'd never release a patch! That right there proves I'm right.
  11. DayZWarrior1932

    Stable Update 1.19

    Watch that tongue kiddo or I'll show you the meaning of "bad effect".
  12. DayZWarrior1932

    Stable Update 1.19

    Okay I am sick of tired of hearing all the whining about cars so I had to give my official statement. Cars just got fixed in 1.19 and they work great besides some lingering issues! Just because some whiny old man like Gordon don't know how to host a stable server does not mean the cars don't work! I can help him setup config because he clearly is messing something up under the hood getting too confident in his ability! They run perfect smooth for me on full pop official server. B.I. gave us a whole new engine to fix cars and I cannot thank them enough. Thank you amazing developers for your hard relentless work to make DayZ cars great. It is time to stop complaining and for once appreciate the new car functionality. The developers give us what we want and the greedy people here always want more more more. Enough is enough. Be mature enough to understand that video games do not always work perfect. But now we have smooth cars with amazing physics and stability. What more can you ask for??? If anything, Gordon owes the DayZ developers a serious apology for his extreme rudeness and lack of patience.