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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Great idea, it'd actually fit the Realism, as you'd be able to yell, whisper and talk :P
  2. Horatio


    Well personally not using anything but ingame(I play for immersion) make the game last way longer :) I'll always grow tired of any game at any rate, but not using the map I think you might be able to get more "entertaining" hours out of the game :) Learning how to navigate is part of learning how to survive, it's almost as important as any othher survival skill :) (Navigation that is)
  3. Complicated medical system! :D I'll throw my hat in with that lot as well :P
  4. Horatio

    so, dat night

    You should embrace the night, use your flashlight to search the dark corners of the world :D You never know you might find something somebody else didn't notice because of the darkness :)
  5. Horatio

    Keep it Hard....... a thoughtful request.

    Immersion is the key. I've got 12 DayZ hours so far on steam, and I've had alot more player on player encounters that had a happy ending then ones with a bad ending :) So personally I can feel a big difference in how to current difficulty affect people in the game :) +1 To this thread. We don't want easy, if we wan easy we can go play on the boring DayZ mod Private hives xD
  6. Horatio

    What Have YOU Found

    -Mountaindew -Can Opener -Axe -Fire Axe -5 Screw Drivers -10 books(Of different variations mostly) Then I died, so yeah.. That's what I've been able to find so far :D
  7. Horatio

    can't seem to get microphone to work

    Well if you by chance ran into a person named Madshinegun out there, he'll be trolling you :P He'll pretend like he can't hear you and try to explain to you how to type :) He'll then follow you arround trying to communicate with you with emotes :) So if that's the case, do not worry.. There is nothing wrong on your end :)
  8. Horatio

    "sick" -> "you are unconscious"

    You're dead mate, unless you can get somebody to revive you. Anyway you need Anti-biotics to cure you self, and then you need to remain calm and don't restrain your character :) And yes eat alot of food and drink alot.
  9. Horatio

    Character just got wiped.

    Stay away from 'dem Russian servers :P Anyway there were just a Serverwide wipe :P
  10. Horatio

    Do helmets effect damage?

    I'm pretty sure the Bike Helmet protect against damage to the head, from melee at least:) I recall Rocket saying this in one of his streams :)
  11. Happend to me a few times as well, seems to happen on 'dem Russian servers :(
  12. Horatio

    Standalone, buddy

    Well if you're interested I'm part of a small group of friendly players :) We're from all over Europe, we've even got another Dutch person :) Add me on steam if you're interested - mikkel_0 Ps. We use teamspeak 3.
  13. Hello there, I'm Horatio.. Me and a couple of buddies from all over Europe got a little group thing going ^^ We got some new players and some "pro l33t" players ^^ We'd like to play with you.. Well we got a TS3 server, PM me for my steam details so we can talk about it? Of course only if you feel like it.
  14. Hello I go by the name of Horatio, which is my in game tag as well. I'm 17 years old, I'm from a small country called Denmark. I've been playing DayZ for a month and a half, so I understand all the basics about DayZ :) I was hanging with some dudes that I knew from IRL.. But they pretty much all quit playing DayZ.. Well I'd like to group up with one or several interesting individuals.. Soo ye :D Anything basically works for me.. I don't care about timezone, age or W/E :) Skype: al_qundas Steam: mikkel_0 Or just throw me a PM and I'll be able to answer any questions you might have regarding my play style :)
  15. Helle there, I am Horatio, and I have been playing DayZ for two weeks. I've been trying to solo my way through this game so far, and I have failed utterly so far.. Well anyway, I am from Denmark which currently is GMT +2 and I am jolly fella' if I can say so my self. I have a microphone if anybody would be interested in using skype, vent, myspeak or w/e :P Steam id: mikkel_0 - Should be named something like [AG-Admiral] Horatio - If several pops up.