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About Horatio

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Horatio

    Join = Kick servers. Remove them!

    Amen to that, private hives will be the downfall of DayZ :/
  2. Horatio

    For all you KoS complainers out there

    Yeah.. Running up to every person you see yelling Friendly.. xD I play as friendly, I rarely die xD But then I again friendly isn't = Naive Retard
  3. Horatio

    How long till it's like the Mod??

    Ohh god.. I'd really hope they try and do things different then what they did in the MOD.
  4. Horatio

    The value of a character

    That book idea sounds interesting, it'd need some limitations and tweaking but could be an interesting idea :P
  5. And people say this may only be solved with private hives! Bah. :P Nice thread btw OP.
  6. Reported Newbs :3 Good Luck Have fun.
  7. Horatio

    mosin ammo

    I find a tons of 7.62 ammo in cars and at the School/Office.
  8. Horatio

    SA in need of private hives

    Sure you could. 15/30 Logout timer[You can't find a place to logout to stand for 30 sec? Then don't logout outside of Pine Trees.] -This could fix Combat Loggin pretty much Some kind of 15 minute lock system, that I saw suggtested in another topic. -This could fix ghosting and Server hopping to an extent. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/157862-server-hop-ghosting-solution/ Now I'd personally hate to see the SA turn out like the MOD - I attempted to try and re-kindle my DayZ feeling some months before DayZ SA Alpha Release. This was impossible due to all the bullshit private hives out there, it was(is) almost impossible to find a good public hive server xD Anyway, I'm sure that the fact DayZ uses a public hive is one of the reasons it became so popular. If it had in fact only had a tons of small servers with individual characters so you only could play with your toon on one server it'd have been less popular.
  9. Horatio

    500,000 Dayz Milestone

    499,980 At the moment.
  10. Horatio

    SA in need of private hives

    I call bullshit - There should be no problem in solving those problems in the Public hive. At all. I've seen a ton of suggestions that'd work perfectly if there were implemented with little to no inconienence to the player. Secondly - Private Hive killed DayZ for me, it was complete bullshit. I personally do not play on the same DayZ server every time. I simply join an random one and have fun. I'd also hate to see half the people playing on their little own easy heaven private hive servers and thus splitting the playerbase in two. I'd really really hate if I had to rely on some Random private hoster to handle my character and stuff. Please don't end up like the MOD.
  11. Horatio

    Position vacant (apply within)

    Amen to that, "Janteloven" has clearly been broken in this instance :P And just to make sure æøå.
  12. Horatio

    Getting sick from using Alcohol on wounds

    Don't drink the Alcohol! :D Anyway I've noticed something similar I've never had infected wounds besides when I came along a bottle of Alcohol and cleaned my wounds with it.
  13. Horatio

    Looking for group to roll with

    I've got a little group going, we've got people in American and European Time zones, if you're interested PM me and we can share details :)
  14. Just saying we don't mind less experienced people :) We don't have anything against teaching and giving you a hand :)
  15. Line of Sight system sounds like a great idea! Third Person gives an unfair and ultimately a unrealstic advantage, I find it interesting how people want a hardcore game but still want to be able to arbitarly be able to peak around corners with Third Person.