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Everything posted by Roalith

  1. Hello all! My friend Mike does not have much FPS lag, but about once every 30 seconds to a minute, he freezes in place for roughly 7-10 seconds at a time, and then unfreezes. With my own experience in troubleshooting, I believe that this is not FPS-related at all and is instead related to latency/network issue(s). He uses six launcher/updater. He has the full paid versions of A2+OA on Steam. He runs the optimized cfg/ini tweaks in the sticky, with the usual launch options to optimize game performance. He uses the Comodo Firewall and he has tried disabling the firewall and also just running Comodo in Game Mode. I browsed through his router control panel, game settings files, launch options, confirmed that he is using the beta client + latest patch, looked at his computer's network settings, etc. I did not see anything that looked like it would cause a problem. He is also hard-wired into the router directly on a desktop computer, so no laptop or wireless issues to point at. Some information about his computer (off the top of my head): i7 Processor @ 3.2 Ghz Radeon HD 4850 1GB (Little outdated now but plenty powerful enough for A2 since it is CPU-intensive not GPU) 16 GB RAM (I don't remember specs timings and details but it is 16GB, overkill for DayZ) 7200 RPM 600GB hard drive (shouldn't be a problem with the freezing, if anything it should me micro-stuttering as the slower hard drive renders so much data)? 750w PSU... Video drivers are up to date with the latest version. On game settings, he has video ram on default, shadows disabled, AA/AF off, Postprocessing off, all terrain/texture/etc on lowest settings. Both resolution and 3d resolution at 1920x1080. Zombies maul him while he is frozen, players kill him easily as he seems to get hit with the freezes EXTREMELY often. We have server-hopped and the freezing affects him equally on all servers. Network/latency related I think, but no other game does this to him. What possibilities are left to look at to address this long freeze? PS - Sorry for the long post, want to be as thorough and informative as possible to ease the troubleshooting process!
  2. Roalith

    US 22 Corrupt

  3. Roalith

    US 22 Corrupt

    You previously said it was a heli "full" of EoS members. I was in teamspeak with the 2 EoS members even though I wasn't in-game. They were on fresh spawns exploring and fighting in Cherno before the server was attacked and went offline. Otherwise, I will assume that you yourself are hacking stuff in, and that you and your friend(s) started DDoSing us for whatever reason. Because these accusations are kind of out of the blue, and it is odd how much downtime we have had to deal with since this thread was started. I am assuming from what you have said on my website that you've chosen to grow bored of this and move on to another server. Good luck in your travels, you can stop griefing us now (kind of pointless anyway since host gave us a brand new TS3 with a private ip on a new box, and we're on a different server now). Good luck in your travels!
  4. Roalith

    US 22 Corrupt

    Without proof or anything in the logs this is 100% pointless. I only know of one person that was in EoS that was mixed up in stuff like that. He could be currently griefing the server with hacks and DDoS but only time will tell.
  5. Roalith

    US 22 Corrupt

    Feel free to pm Razor49 on IRC (DayZ dev). He is our host and he has full access to all of our logs of course. Funny how you say that you just shot down a heli full of EoS players, when I only know of 2 EoS players even logging into the server today and playing. Our server and teamspeak are both 100% completely offline right now due to DDoS, again get in touch with Razor on the official DayZ IRC and ask him about US 22. If the server does indeed have a heli on it that is able to fly, it is a hacker, not an admin spawning it. Please see the stickied thread that shows what admins are and are not able to actually do. Also, which EoS users do you claim the helicopter were full of and do you have footage or screenshots? I didn't see anything in the logs when I checked from earlier, and the server, control panel, and teamspeak are all down now from DDoS.
  6. Roalith

    US 22 Corrupt

    You sure this was US 22? I am the only person that has been able to restart the server, our server is less than a month old (only the oldest servers have helicopters that are actually able to be flown, the rest like mine just have crashed versions), and Ryan McKay is a new name to me, but he doesn't have admin access at all. Also, our server was down for quite awhile the past 3 days, as was our teamspeak, for issues outside of my control (host issues). In addition, the server auto-restarts itself every 12 hours, I am thinking you just jumped to a bad conclusion! Again, please verify this was US 22 and I will try to check it out, but again I have been the only one with access to reboot the server aside from the hosting company, and I know that I didn't even log on yesterday. I am on the east coast and just recently regained my power from the storm, haven't managed to get time to play DayZ for even 1 minute so far since the 29th (when the storm hit). Today I have brought in 2 players to be allowed to reboot the server when I am not around (future power outages etc), these players are xfMike and Phobix. Before today no one but me could! Either way, please provide more information, my server is hosted by a DayZ dev, if you have anything solid I will get it checked out, thank you! ***EDIT*** You have the wrong server accused sir, I just noticed you said you were in side chat and kicked. My server, US 22, does not even have side chat enabled and it has never been enabled on this server for even 1 second. Also, no player has ever been kicked from US 22 at any time since it was opened, so yeah wrong server, please edit your thread and post accordingly as this is quite annoying to me as the server owner that you would so plainly accuse a completely wrong and innocent server for something you experienced elsewhere!
  7. What exactly do you look for in the server script log? We are a newly opened server and I would like to investigate some cheat reports. What do I use the find feature to scan for in the logs? Thank you!
  8. Roalith

    How to find Cheaters

    I know there are people around that know exactly what to search the logs for to find cheaters...Please help us out guys!
  9. Roalith

    How to find Cheaters

    Ah, I thought there was specific text that I could use the FIND feature on a text editor to search for in the logs. Like a specific script name or command name that only cheaters use. I've been told that by several different people but don't actually know what to search for!
  10. CLOSED - We have plenty of people now :)
  11. Guess 2 people gave a 1 star rating to the thread because I didn't let them in based on names....Oh well, will be closing the thread this weekend anyway probably because of how large the group is getting! Remember to PM me to get in, I don't give out info in the thread or PM you first!
  12. Off for the night, few notes: We will be putting measures in place in Teamspeak (likely tiered channels) to prevent spying and griefing. We had 2 instances today of spying on Teamspeak that resulted in a total of 6 deaths among our group (considering how large our group is that isn't too bad overall). Even with the new tiered lists (likely going in tomorrow) there will still be people to play with within each tier as our group is quite large!
  13. Please remember to PM me to get in, I get instant email notification, and will make time within 30 minutes to go prone and review the PM in most cases!
  14. Good morning, responding to messages now, this idea has exploded! Unbelievable amount of PMs... You have private messages disabled' date=' please enable them and PM me or post here so that I may contact you.[/size'] If I do not pm you back I have chosen not to include you in this group. Please remember that from our perspective the only two things we have to go buy right now to get a feel for you is #1 - Your name on this forum, and #2 - Your grammar, attitude, and mood in the PM you send us. So if you send me a PM full of horrible grammar, bad language, and negativity saying you want in, then sorry! Same with your username, those are the only 2 things we are screening by to give you a trial run!
  15. I am signing out for the night, I will review messages and this thread first thing in the morning. So far we have had about 12-15 people on Teamspeak and trying to meet up and explore, this has been so much fun already, thank you guys... Little story about our newfound group...We started out in Elektro, got killed quickly, went to Cherno and had a 3v4 firefight (we were 3 at the time). We won, looted some good stuff off the enemy bandits, then raided the hospital and got the barns above Vysota and then the barn at Nadezhdino. With my toolbelt pretty full, we killed a boar, chopped some wood, started a fire, cooked the meat, and shared our first real meal. After this we ran west to Kozlovka, on the way Jon died to zombie aggro. After we cleaned up our wounds and looted his corpse, we gave him a burial. We then made it to Kozlovka (this was our immediate goal)... died here, because we weren't quite sure that we were actually in Kozlovka so we split off to loot and find road signs. I didn't see the zombie in the grass, and it broke my leg. With Mike sprinting toward me and telling me to hang in there, I had to take a shot because my blood was low. As the zombie fell over and I felt victorious with Mike nearby, more zombies came out and finished me off! Coyote and Mike wiped the blood off my Alice Pack, gathered my loot, and the group moved on. At Kozlovka the remaining members were met with some more people that had been given the server information after the initial wave. This brought our group to 4 people at Kozlovka! The group progressed toward Zelenogorsk and got wiped by another group that was hidden and coordinated! I am hoping it wasn't someone spying on Teamspeak, because at this point it was getting hard to keep up with TS members, but I am just thinking it was coincidence at this point! With my group disheartened over losing several hours of items collectively, we were going to try to rush straight for Zelenogorsk to resume our goal! I got a spawn at Kamenka and ran for Zelenogorsk. Getting there hungry and thirsty, I found a supermarket and filled up. After feeling like a boss and telling my group that I had made it to Zelenogorsk, two hostile players entered the street as I was leaving the supermarket, promptly shooting me down as I started telling them "Hey guys, there's more food in there, enjoy!" At this point I decided to log out, letting my team know that Zelenogorsk was occupied, possibly by the same group that previously killed them. Even though I am not in-game, teamspeak is still active and the group is arranging to pick up the newest members and explore more around Cherno...This experiment has proven to give me more enjoyment in the past few hours than I have had in the past 5 days playing solo/duo! THANK YOU...
  16. I just now got time to go prone and reply to the remaining PMs! Thanks for some great applications, if I didn't respond to a PM or thread reply, I didn't choose you!
  17. As long as you act mature I see no problems, sent you a PM!
  18. Just to clarify, myself and my other 2 friends are VERY new, we are understanding the game but we do not have good equipment, transportation, nor are we very far off the coast! If you expect someone that has been playing forever and has good stuff, this is not for you. If you still want to give us a try, PM me, got 2 guys so far trying the server out in teamspeak :)
  19. Roalith

    Dallas 37 -

    Unseen - Rent a server for a month then post here and explain how you can have all these extra admin powers, if so I might buy your magic beans from you to reimburse you for the server hosting for the month that you will have paid to prove your point. In the meantime, don't call US naive when we have access to our own server that we admin and YOU DO NOT. Naive is you automatically thinking this is like other games where you have super amazing admin abilities. In all honesty, we can take down and restart our server, set up automated restarts on a schedule, kick/ban people, change the difficulty settings, server description, and message of the day, change the server's time zone, and play the game otherwise exactly the same way you do, as a player with no special abilities or perks. But please, feel free to purchase a server and show us again how you know so much more about it than the actual server admins.....
  20. I want to say that having Side Chat turned on can get your server blacklisted, trust me. I want it on on my server to help others and encourage people to be more of a community, but can't. You can help others by using Direct, good luck seeing each other without one of you opening fire immediately though.
  21. He has a pretty damn top-end machine with 20 down/3 up internet. I am eagerly waiting for him to sign on so that we can try this out though, first really constructive post I've gotten! Thanks again!