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Posts posted by kevenc

  1. As far as everyone know, server hopping is a serious issue in the game.

    Here's my solution:

    When you leave a server it locks you to this server for 20 minutes. So basically if you get disconnected or the server restarts you re-join it, you just can't connect to a different server.

    It would prevent people from server hopping into different server to spawn in a high yield building (barracks) and farm it.

    This would also prevent people who are combat logging and then goes in a different server to switch position and to get back in the previous server and suprise your attacker in the back.

    Please feel free to comment and also leave your suggestion too !

    (Sorry, if I made grammatical errors. English is not my native language.)

  2. I am working hard on getting 5000 humanity to get the hero skin but meh... Sometimes I am getting shot by Survivor so I act of self-defense I reply with a bullet into his forehead and then lose 2000 humanity ! I mean that was self-defense I shouldn't lose humanity.

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  3. This game is completely unplayable with all this artifacting seriously... Even yesterday, the guy Puddn who had artifacting while the 1 on 1 I feel him... I just got shot from the place where the artifacting where comming from ! This is seriously an issue who need to be adressed ASAP.
