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About Partey

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  1. :thumbsup: Nice :) I was in the same situation BUT I had a smoke grenade and an empty whiskey-bottle. Used the smoke to lure them away and the whiskey-bottle to distract them, when I stepped out of the appartments.
  2. Partey

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    shouting on strangers ?
  3. Haha ! Did you even read a thread before complaining ?
  4. Maybe it´s a legal issue. There is some bureaucracy to do, if you decide to accept donations, at least in germany it is.
  5. Use your free time and prepare for a real apocalypse . http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/03/world/middleeast/us-adds-forces-in-persian-gulf-a-signal-to-iran.html?pagewanted=all
  6. YES let him win that one battle, at the end WE will win this war. Strategic withdrawal !
  7. Maybe the devs should shut the game and website down for a couple of days. wipe everything out, set up new patch 1.7.2. maybe get a new ip/hive and start all over again. Everyone can calm down, that skript-kiddie has it´s satisfaction by taking down the game for some time :( and all fellow survivors and bandits could check the real world for some beans or get some fresh cooked meat at mummys.
  8. What about an counterattack, lets crowdfund some money here in the forum and shoot back. Dunno if this is possible though, but thinking of it makes me smile. Im really impressed how easy a DDos-attack seems to be. I could do that , too. Hell everyone could do that. Hmm I wonder if......
  9. Maybe they are so attached to their gear, they actually loose it. There should be a clean sweep with 1.7.2, so everyone has to restart ... I really like this idea.
  10. Partey

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    It's not 'yor' patch and you need 'yor' patch either' date=' and what's wrong playing without it... Just wait and stop whinging. [/quote'] Counter productive, you came on here to whine at people whining. Oh god now im whining at the whiner whos whining at the other whiner. fuck sake vicious circle +1 :D Indeed... I first thought he tries to make some fun. But now he´s only like *facepalm* And he´s getting more idiotic with every post. Is there a way to blank out his posts, at least for myself ?
  11. Partey

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    GOD YOU RE KIDDING? This cartoon for degenerates Yes u r right, this cartoon for degenerates ! Your posts starting to get boring, some pages earlier i thought u r a funny guy. still -1 ! ----------------------------------------------------- WHAT ABOUT THE UPDATE ? Someone in that dev team could at least say something, this is annoying. I play ofp/arma since release, but never experienced such ignorance from any devs. They could at least say "FU bitch community", cause thats how it looks like. Give me 3 Dollars !!