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Everything posted by Bat9th

  1. My character that I have had for a while keeps logging in debug forest. I have tried like 5 servers. Once you get debug forest do I have to die and start over or just keep trying? Thanks.
  2. I had same issue.. was crawling around for what seemed like forever. Shot a zombie, he had one, thank god! Haven't found any others though.
  3. Bat9th

    Suppressed MK17 - hacked?

    I have the Mk17 at this very moment. Didn't know it was hacked. Didn't see it on the Day Z wiki and googled it. I have had it for 24 hours or so. I found it on a corpse on top of the control tower in Balota. That gun, like 10 mags for it. A silenced M9, the sweet binoculars, night vision,radio,gps, like 5 frag grenades and 2 strobe things ... have no clue what those are and the 24 slot pack. I thought it was weird he had all that great stuff but no easier stuff like map, watch etc. Still have most of it.
  4. Bat9th

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Is morphine coming back or something? I can't find any. Haven't seen a camo outfit in ages as well.
  5. Bat9th

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Is morphine fixed yet? Haven't been able to find any. Also is camo clothing coming back soon?
  6. Yes. I think there should be something to identify bandits without it being obvious.
  7. I love the game and know this is a work in progress. That said, Chernarus doesn't seem as friendly as it used to be among other players. A few weeks ago I would run into friendlies. Now I rarely ever see one.
  8. Yeah that is pretty much the only thing to do if you even get close to a town without going prone right away. It takes away from the gameplay IMO. I may or may not be in the minority and that is fine, but I don't have this much patience crawling the whole time lol.
  9. I agree, I dislike how the zombies see me from 70 yards when I am crouched and even around walls and buildings. However I do like the ability to lose them.