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About Murdernickle

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  1. My longest without death was 22 days but i was extremely bored by the end of it. Now if I get a military grade primary, decent secondary, alice pack, and so on I generally take unnecessary risks for fun. I see how many times I can loot NW airfield before getting caught or so on. I generally don't shoot on sight but after so long with no true objective besides survival, I find I just want to go mess around. I play lone wolf anyways so I don't hurt anyone with my reckless actions.
  2. Murdernickle


    I think we've all known about this.. but whatever, my jimmies remain unrustled. I prefer to go diving into cherno/elektro/NW Airfield solo when I have a good amount of gear. I don't need anything per se.. I just like the thrill. That's what it's about right?
  3. Murdernickle

    Is Cherno and Elektro really that fun?

    I usually go there when I'm bored of my character and want to start over. It's a more entertaining "respawn" button for me.
  4. Murdernickle

    Go INTO houses possible?

    Also churches that can be entered have 3 spires on top of it not one. Another tip is the the brown log houses without shutters can be entered but the ones with shutters cannot be entered.
  5. Murdernickle

    Hospital and Deafness?

    The muting of the sound is a result of "shock". You'll see a white icon on the right of your screen above the broken bone one that indicated shock. Just wait for it to go away and you should regain hearing. For the loot inside you need to break the windows somehow. I recommend silently with a hatchet or crowbar.
  6. Murdernickle


    This is actually pretty damn cool! This would be such a tense and frustrating situation, but exactly what could happen when you're overpowered. I may attempt this with the next person that my friend and I get the jump on. If they make a sudden move I can still shoot them... wow This is absolutely what I'd love to see more of.
  7. For a good 3 or 4 days (until i ran out of blood packs) I traveled the coast with an AKM, M1911, good amount of food, ammo, binocs, matches, knife, compass, gps, and medical supplies as well as a coyote backpack offering medical aid to those escaping cherno and elektro. This was when side chat was still active. Perhaps I got lucky or perhaps I had just found a decent server, but not once was I shot for helping the people that I could. People thanked me and I went on my way, valuable loot and all. Maybe some people paint the game in a darker light than what it is.. maybe side chat and the small relationships built there actually helped. I'm not sure what it was but that was a good streak. I did it knowing full well that i'd be killed in no time but I was alright with that considering I was set up and rather bored. I eventually died to a ladder... c'est la vie!
  8. Murdernickle

    Starting location: The bean coast

    I think this could be an interesting experiment for Rocket and Co. as spawning without a gun has been (and I'm in the camp of believing that spawning with no gun is GREAT!). I tend to make my home in Berezhino now that cherno and elektro are so populated. Berezhino has military spawns, 3 deer stands, office, hospital, 2 supermarkets, apartments, and an airfield close by. I'm surprised I don't see more people there but it's usually just me and my friends Jaime, Jaime, and Jaime... all with the last name of Hyneman.. odd
  9. Murdernickle

    DayZ Convention

    I assume he means nerF guns...but nerd guns made me lol... +10 interwebs to you sir!
  10. Ya this has been happening a good bit. It was a lot worse before the global bans (you could expect it every night). Your best bet for avoiding it is once it happens, stay on that server. The hacker will probably jump servers to do it again and you can just chill there. Playing in off peak hours helps but no guarantees lol.
  11. That's funny... with a makarov I used to do the same... run into the airfield, up the tower, turn, kill every zed as they shambled through the door., then loot for real weapons. Now with nothing, I actually try to be careful and move in. I was actually ridiculously excited to find a makarov in elektro last night. TBH I think they should remove the backpack too at this point.
  12. Murdernickle

    Throwing objects: how and why?

    Yes they do.. they'll go to where it hit and investigate a bit... then decide they have better things to do and derp away in a random direction lol.
  13. Murdernickle

    Throwing objects: how and why?

    Find a can or empty bottle. Put it in your inventory. Press F and you should see "Throw" in the top right corner. Stand up, no you can't crouch or prone and throw something sadly... Hold down the mouse button. the longer you hold the further it will be thrown. Let go to throw. Zeds investigate noises from 20-40m so throw it "close-ish" to them.
  14. Murdernickle

    Is it safe to play

    ^^ This!! Gearing up is the most fun part of the game for me.