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About Kingfisher5564u

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Kingfisher5564u

    next wipe

    Servers 4262 and 6799 have both been very unstable since this last wipe and update. However since my last post a few hours ago I was able to complete several drops and log ins without incident. The error messages saying Connection failed I am already in the target session has stopped. I hope this is fixed because I was wasting hours trying to play and getting NOTHING done.
  2. Kingfisher5564u

    next wipe

    I hate the wipes as I play slowly and it takes me a long time to get geared, accumulate some quality Items and then bang its all gone and Im back to the beginning again going over the same ground. I'm frankly looking at other games as this one is becoming no fun. This last update is a joke. So I lost months of hard work getting good solid gear just to lose it all for what????? nothing and now I cant drop items between players. I am being plagued with error messages saying connection failed because Im already in the target session. Or server unreachable when clearly others are on and playing. I do NOT play the way this administration wants me to play. I purchased this game to play a no rules open world and I am denied at almost every turn now. This 5 minute, then 15 minute and then 30 minute wait time between characters is pure garbage. make them all 5 minutes or return it to the way it used to be. I am 66 years old and not some punk ass whiner. I have played video games since 1979 . I have played almost every good role playing game in history. This game is in need of either better programmers or a upgrade to better, newer servers. The wipes need to go. There needs to be a better end game for experienced players who can stay alive , a place to go after the beach where there are no fresh spawns . I would choose this option over being wiped every time.
  3. Kingfisher5564u

    next wipe

    My son said he saw a video on Reddit that stated There was going to be a full wipe on Feb. 25th. Any truth to this?
  4. Kingfisher5564u

    TheRunningManZ's open letter to the DayZ developers

    I agree, I am also a veteran of many years on official servers and I hate this update.
  5. Kingfisher5564u

    TheRunningManZ's open letter to the DayZ developers

    Im not even going to buy the new map. The well thing turned me off to that as soon as I read it. Why waste the money so I can live at a spring? Im still playing the original day z map on official and it is pretty much a waste of time now. Dropping items between characters has been stopped. I set a pristine field backpack down waited 5 minutes spawned in my brothers account and it was fucking gone. Same with clothes, rifles. If you drop anything it has to be in a crate or sea chest or its fucking gone. The disease level is terrible. I spend almost my entire time in game trying NOT to get wet, building fires to get rid of the fucking cough and avoiding zombies completely. I have about a 30% success rate on stealth killing zombies from behind now. Hunter clothes went from best to worst so now I have to go to military bases or convoys to find a decent set of warm clothes. The update sucks.
  6. Kingfisher5564u

    These changes ruined everything for me (xbox)

    I agree , I wasted a lot of time getting hunter gear only to find out it sucked like the rest of the update. The field jacket so far is the only jacket that offers best insulation. Another way to force you to go to the military sites. I loved being a hunter gatherer , lone wolf explorer and now? Im wet, sick, dead, cold and not having ANY fun.
  7. Kingfisher5564u

    These changes ruined everything for me (xbox)

    I agree on most every point made here. There are other problems as well. I went to drop a pristine backpack to one of my other players. My brother. I waited the fucking 5 minutes and when he spawned in the back pack was gone. Ammo boxes despawning from my cache sites, They have effectively stopped transfers from character to character. This sucks out loud. My game play style has been eradicated. They want you to build bases and multiple cache sites that stay on the server when you log off. That way you can lose all your stuff. The carry weight sucks, The chance of dying from disease has gone up in a big way. I spend most of my time now trying not to get wet, drying out, building fires, This game has become a joke. It is not fun to play anymore. If I wanted a game where staying alive was all about not getting sick ????? I would like it. But I hate it now. I am playing far less now than I was before. I log on and its fucking raining , I log off and still get fucking wet. Its a joke.
  8. Kingfisher5564u

    Server wipe???

    I don't care if they wipe it or not. I just want to know. I'm going out burning up all my stored ammo because Im being told there is going to be one. Killed off three characters . I don't like wasting things.
  9. Kingfisher5564u

    Server wipe???

    Is there a complete official server and player wipe on the 8th or not. ??????????????????
  10. Kingfisher5564u


    I deleted the chat, should have kept it. He outright claimed to be in a group of dupers. That may have been enough for a admin hunter to take them out. Instead Ill just give his location up to a some good friends who destroy his kind. I will support the raid. Thanks for the info.
  11. Kingfisher5564u


    I thought Dupers were eliminated. I was just informed by a player that his crew were dupers . He threatened to hunt me down lol. He also made a sexual statement regarding my wife. He was trying to provoke me. That doesn't concern me but duping does. Dupers ruin the game and should not be tolerated. Who do I report this to?
  12. Kingfisher5564u

    Dayz official servers new patch

    Okay so far on Xbox I have two bugs to report. #1 climbing ladders on hunting stands ,its like Im slipping off the ladder . I back out a retry and sometimes I can climb other times no. #2 35 second wait till end of last session seems to be happening a lot. I end up not where I exited but the last building I was at. But most of the game is working fine so far.
  13. Kingfisher5564u

    DayZ Update 1.25

    Glad to hear this news today. Thanks for your service to this forum.
  14. Kingfisher5564u

    Farewell from Kyiara

    Good luck in your new direction. Keep your powder dry as they say.
  15. Kingfisher5564u

    DayZ Update 1.25

    Yes , lets all be patient.