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About alb3z

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. That's the situation where "DZR Rags by hands" by DZR|Mikhail is very helpfull, I almost never use knives to make rags anymore, need to save those blades as much as possible. Some of his mods are fitting so much for a survival oriented server, check it out. However the random damage status of items is one of the best news of this update for me, totally love it
  2. Hi there, currenlty am testing 1.19 livonia and I'm getting the following issue: the valves in bunker water maintenance room are not working for me, when I try to use them my character just crouch and do animation but not actually touch the valves and the "action icon" (don't know how is technically called, I mean the circle that fills while doing any action) aborts the operation without finishing the full circle, it tries 3/4 times then abort. Already saw some clips of people operating valves and their character don't crouch and grab the valve correctly, then water level change, even if I see that it's sort of bugged as water level goes down and up instantly, before lower as expected and allow access to the drain tunnels. Have to say that I already heavy modded the server, in order to test the compatibility status at this early EXP times, so am not sure the issue can't be related to some of them, however I got the same issue also when I had just CF and VPPadmintools, before installing all the other mods. I'd setup another EXP server and keep it unmodded to test valves at pure vanilla, just it will take some time as I'd need to equip and reach the bunker without admintools, so I'm asking here if somebody else had the same issue or similar when operating valves and if there are know bugs on that mechanism at this early EXP stage. Also seen the unreachable hangars (the empty one and the other with just fence gates and cell beds) so I'm supposing the bunker is still unfinished and maybe those doors will open at some point, in a still unknow way. Last thing: what's the glowing stuff at the end of one of the tunnels, under the wires on the dirt pile? lol, it glows in the dark like some banovish mineral, there are two of them and doesn't seem to be some casual stuff. TIA for any reply about my issue, regards (EDIT: logout and relog or exit and restart the game doesn't fix the valves issue, I tested multiple times just teleporting me in front of the bunker main gate, then I open the gate with the punched card and go to the water maintenance room in the standard way, no teleporting, no fly mode)