Last July LJA15 suggested a few items and one of them has been nested in my brain and keeps clucking at me!
There are chicken coops all over the map, and usually it's the placeholder for a chicken to potentially spawn (I think). Now that you have reintroduced the crossbow and the hand crafted ammunition for it, which requires chicken feathers to upgrade, can you reconsider LJ's suggestion? Essentially a small searchable area where the opening of the coop would trigger the survivor's "crafting" animation. Possible results would be a A) 50% = Nothing , B) 40% = A small number of feathers, C) 5% = An Easter Egg, what?!, and final remaining % you caused a chicken to spawn!
Additionally, while 1 or 2 of your ARMA graphic designers are still on loan, you could add EGGS to the DayZ game. You simply need to reskin the Easter Egg with either brown or white skin. Eaten raw, boiled, or fried in the pan, I think you could potentially get the same nutritional value of the mushrooms in game. EDIT: AND a bad egg could have the similar chance as the Rotten Mushrooms to get sick and potentially die!