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Dev (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dev (DayZ)

  1. Dev (DayZ)

    Barb wire

    If you have a toolbox, you can move to one of the center poles and remove it. It can be annoying and leave you open to a gunshot but I still remove all the wire see.
  2. Dev (DayZ)

    Clipped into room, can't get out

    If you have a broken leg, you can respawn. If you used morphine already, well you should have payed more attention.
  3. Dev (DayZ)

    How did i die?

    Looks like the player who was prone aiming at you shot you?
  4. Dev (DayZ)

    Graphic Glitch: The Fractal Nuke

    Has nothing to do with drivers. Its been a problem for months. Only real fix is to either remove them completely or dont allow them to reappear after someone removes them on a server restart. Messing with AA can make it ok for while, but it usually comes back.
  5. Dev (DayZ)

    Graphics glitch?

    Its artifacting from idiots putting down concertina wire, sand bags, and tank traps. Some genius made a sandbag box with some tanktraps in Berezino, which makes it impossible to see inside the town. Not sure why I cannot remove them though, I dont usually have a problem removing them. Shit needs to not return on server restarts.
  6. Dev (DayZ)

    Freeside Whiners

    Well thank you for proving to me you are an idiot who fails at reading comprehension. Nowhere in my post says they were in the game, they said the files were missing from the patch(which they werent) when they tried to join the server which logs show. Congrats you are a moron.
  7. Dev (DayZ)

    Banned for combat logging

    Only the guilty would start linking posts and talking about shutting down a server. I bet if you banned these guys who defend dcers and want servers to be blacklisted, we would have a lot less to report for alt-f4ing.
  8. Dev (DayZ)

    Freeside Whiners

    Funny how these kids are saying the missing files are due to the patch when none of these problems have been reported. Idiots got caught doing it and now trying to place blame elsewhere.
  9. Because you have so much experience developing games right? Its an alpha so go cry elsewhere.
  10. Dev (DayZ)

    Texture thing.

    Not true. I have the dlc and was getting them last night. also its not barbed wire, its concertina wire.
  11. Dev (DayZ)

    global ban for (well i dont know)

    If you were legit (we both know you arent) then BE would lift your ban. Since no one here cares about 13 year olds who fail at english and need hacks since this game is "too hard", you might want to take your tears elsewhere.
  12. Dev (DayZ)

    Why Ban Me

    Pretty sure the reason was you were combat logging, says battle logging (who the fuck calls it that) so I would guess thats why.
  13. Dev (DayZ)

    Hacker on Us 29

    I first saw the hacker on the coast when he spawned wearing rockets outfit. He spawned himself a golden ak and killed me, then teleported around killing people(there were 2 hackers in game doing this at the same time). Once I respawned he teleported everyone to cherno firestation and began unloading on people with his other hacker friend. Was pretty funny how they were so bad that a few of us were able to run out of the firestation after the teleport before they could kill us.
  14. Dev (DayZ)

    Players who disconnect to...

    A lot of the dcers dont even save themselves. They dc at 2-4k blood, bleeding, unconscious and will die once they log back in. That makes me smile even if I cannot loot them.
  15. Dev (DayZ)

    Ultimate tent loot.

    I laugh when noobs think that destroying tents does anything. If these idiots havent learned now, I am not going to explain it.
  16. I started getting this today when trying to play takistani life. Past few patches have screwed up everything other than DayZ. Cant play single player or online armory. I have not found one real fix to this, some say to uninstall battleye and let it redownload but some say that doesnt work (hasnt worked for me). Really wish someone would post an actual fix in the BI forums instead of user recommendations that may or may not work. Heres a post on how you MIGHT be able to fix it: http://dayzmod.com/f...ed/page__st__40
  17. Dev (DayZ)

    Guilty by association?

    There is no "probably hacked", all those weapons are hacked in. You cannot get banned for using hacked weapons you found, only for spawning them in. You would be a douche for using hacked weapons. How people do not know all weapons available in this mod is beyond me, theres a fucking wiki page for it.
  18. Dev (DayZ)

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game Purchase only. Studio develeped with community help Community and studio hosted servers would be great.
  19. Quit your fucking tattletale crybaby bullshit kids. Unless you have recordings of you sitting at the server screen hitting refresh every 10 seconds for 24h, you are just another stupid teenager whos crying because some server admin might be trying to fix his server. All thats needed is ONE post with a question as to why it is locked, not a bunch of retards crying for someone to be banned/blacklisted.
  20. Dev (DayZ)

    Wasn't the L85 removed / kills on contact now?

    L85a2 AWS is in game. All TWS weapons are from hackers.
  21. Dev (DayZ)

    How to end Ganking, and support Honor [ v ]

    I do think its a cool suggestion, but only wanting rewards for your side shows a lack of intelligence. Telling us that being a bandit is killing the game makes me think you are just an kid who feels he is entitled to something.
  22. Dev (DayZ)

    backpack in tent question

    All items in a backpack in a tent are there until a server restart.
  23. Dev (DayZ)

    Banned at us89 Incredible

    You expect us to believe you made it up to NWAF with no problems, but the second you come under fire you start "lagging". You deserve to be banned. You dont log off when someone starts shooting at you, ever.
  24. Dev (DayZ)

    This game is going to give me a seizure...

    It is from noobs placing tank traps/concertina wire. It does not mean your gfx card is bad/dying like the idiot above me said. This is why you shouldnt place these things in random areas for no purpose other than to be a douchebag or to try it out. I am sure they will do a cleanup like they did for out of map tanks/vehicles. Until then try to remove them if you can.
  25. Dev (DayZ)

    Is LA85 now removed or not?

    Friend found one today at a crash site and it disappeared as well. Guess it can still drop but deletes soon after.