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Dev (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dev (DayZ)

  1. Dev (DayZ)

    Hero Skin - Question

    Once you hit the mark for either skin, you should not lose your current camo/ghillie but it will reset your backpack so plan if possible. Every time I log in, my humanity is at 0 my ammo is refilled and most of the time my blood is reset to 12k. Only way I can get it to properly show is to wear camo or ghillie.
  2. I wish all admins would ban for putting it down. There is no use for it right now. It can still cause artifacts and anyone who likes it is only using it like a jackass to block off buildings.
  3. Dev (DayZ)

    Just your usual dupers/server hopper's camp

    Your logic is fail
  4. Dev (DayZ)

    Skins.... legit? or get you banned?

    The skins like rockets outfit or the actual face of your player? You can use the custom skins(faces), its not cheating. Most servers have the file size required to use them set to 0 which means you will not be able to join the server as long as it is set.
  5. Dev (DayZ)

    Wrongly banned.

    You tried to downloads cheats or some questionable things for DayZ and you got owned. Yes you did, the proof is there. Thanks for the laugh.
  6. Dev (DayZ)

    Reload the M240 helicopter?

    No it does not work, he is an idiot and trying to troll.
  7. Dev (DayZ)

    Graphic Issue

    dogday that is from some jackass placing concertina wire there. The fix was for the artifacting caused by dead soldier bodies not player placed wire/hedgehogs/sandbags
  8. Dev (DayZ)

    What has happened?

    It increased because people can not spam respawn when they get one they dont like?
  9. Dev (DayZ)

    Battle Eye bans help ?!

    The game did not scam you, your stupidity did. You chose to download cheats because you are terrible at games so do not try to pass the blame on BIS or BE.
  10. Dev (DayZ)

    Logging in / respawning unconcious

    Happened to me twice recently. First time was when I respawned, I immediately fell unconscious for 5 minutes. Second time was after dying in a gunfight with a teleporter. I reclaimed my loot, drove back up to my camp and when I logged in the next day I was unconscious. I did not pass out either times before dying.
  11. Dev (DayZ)

    I'm a sniper. I got a dilema

    I would keep the M16 until you get a DMR or a 50
  12. Dev (DayZ)

    Your Best Story Of Avoiding Death Legit

    I ran to meet up with 2 friends near Cap Golova when someone sniped them and then started shooting at me from the mountains(Pik Kazlovo). I bobbed and weaved(noobs wasted atleast 30 rounds from their 50s) until I hit the woods right outside Cherno. I ran all the way around to the back side of the mountain and found a sniper so I played a game of hot potato with a grenade, which he lost. As I was overlooking the beach, I saw a bush on the rocks near the lighthouse at Cap Golova, It did not look right so I lined up a shot with my pre nerf Enfield at about 500 meters and got a kill. We got a MK 48/L85/M107 but while I was dividing it up amongst my friends who died, a hacker killed everyone on the server.
  13. Dev (DayZ)

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Remove it, it has no purpose in the game other than trolling and causes artifacting.
  14. Dev (DayZ)

    Removal of night vision

    Nothing is going to change with them as long as the engine makes it impossibly dark at night. We used to be able to play at night, until someone thought we should not be able to see our weapon in our hands after 10pm.
  15. The information for which weapons are currently in the mod are readily available on multiple websites, one of which you probably use for your loot map. A lot of admins ban for having hacked weapons and a large portion of the community will back them on this. Ignorance is no excuse. Sucks you got banned but all I can say is try and find another server since nothing will happen.
  16. Dev (DayZ)

    Is it possible?No Snipers

    If sniper rifles were removed, people would cry for assault rifles to be removed since you can still kill at range. It will never happen, so why not learn how to kill them before they alt-f4.
  17. Based on that statement, you clearly have not played DayZ very long or not at all. If you have a bandit skin, it is your fault and you will most likely get shot by everyone. It is not hard to get your humanity up to get rid of the skin unless you are murdering new spawns or killing people in hero skins.
  18. Ghillie/camo/AS50/L85 are high res with the BAF DLC. Hero skin/starter skin are high res with PMC DLC
  19. Dev (DayZ)

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Been thinking the same thing. A lot of people do not know the joys and intense moments of air field/stary raids or even crossing open fields without checking the treelines. I want those days back. Have some beans OP.
  20. Dev (DayZ)

    Wanted M24, Have mk48, svd cammo, m4 sd, as50 and mroe up for trade

    So why would you want an m24? All the weapons you listed are better.
  21. Dev (DayZ)

    Respawn with hero skin?

    Humanity persists through death, so as long as you maintain the required humanity you will keep the skin.
  22. Dev (DayZ)

    alt f4 question

    It is hacked idiot. It has been said by the development team it is not in the game anymore. Grats on stupid?
  23. Dev (DayZ)

    A way to deal with bandits, maybe?

    Before everyone had duped weapons, coast griefers were less common. Sure you might have some people sniping with a CZ, which led to the nerf in spawn rate, but you could go through elektro/cherno with out worrying that the hills are full of people sniping who will just alt-f4 if you shoot at them.
  24. Dev (DayZ)

    So, I'm stuck with the hero skin.

    Logging in with the hero skin resets debug monitor all the time for me. If you put on camo/ghillie and relog then it will start to show it so you can see how much you really have.