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Everything posted by CriticalNerd

  1. CriticalNerd

    Worst Weapon In Dayz

    While i agree its kinda crappy, especialy aiming with it, having a silenced sidearm weapon opens up alot of options for a primary weapon.
  2. Every time I see the thread title flying around in "new content", it cracks me up. +Beans for a creative title/and short description of gameplay
  3. CriticalNerd

    bodily functions.

    Considering players are consuming one big ass can of beans every 20 minutes, I'm guessing taking a dump would be something spontaneous and constant. I vote for removal of player's pants texture so it would be more realistic. Or make the back of their pants have a dark brown stain.
  4. Joining a 50 people full server. Looking at top right corner and finding out only ~120 zombies are spawned. Then you know 95% of the players are just lurking in the surrounding woods with snipers for hours. You can safely say that however hard the zombies are, they won't care.
  5. CriticalNerd

    Why do regular/recruit servers exist?

    Why do you care how other people want to enjoy the mod? I don't care, I'm playing on veteran servers and I am not bothered with the option being there. You shouldn't be either.
  6. CriticalNerd

    Obsession with Military weapons?

    Because Lee Enfield is not a military weapon? Much like everything, people tend to go for the slickest one in the bunch.
  7. CriticalNerd

    Camouflage nets

    If you watch videos of vanilla arma 2, there are like a shitload of fortifications and other related stuff that are deployable, and you ll see players putting down a whole lot of these to defend/occupy areas. I'm wondering why these are not in the mod allready as they could elevate gameplay experience quite a bit.
  8. I like how you all instead of discussing the benefits and disadvantages of implementing a "revive" feature, you all get into details about oxygen, blood loss, etc like this is a medical simulator. It's a game and stop trying to interpetate the character's blood stats, etc, like they mean anything or have any realism significance.
  9. CriticalNerd

    No servers appearing on six launcher.

    Just press "launch". You'll get into the game main menu and a message will pop saying "ARMA 2 online is down for maintenance". Just be patient.
  10. Φρaπές κaι τάbλι
  11. CriticalNerd

    Please change the bandage name!!!

    Have no problem with the namings. It's just a detail. Bleeding though, caused by the ridiculous eratic slaps of zombies [dayZ], should be eliminated IMO. Keep it as-is for firearm wounds and falls.
  12. CriticalNerd

    Average Life Expectancy

    Most probably most of the casual gamers dropped out of this game allready. Have to say took em long time. Anyways, you may also want to take into account that it's summer time and most of the remaining "casuals" have a life.
  13. So you are an opportunistic douchebag, why do you feel good about it?
  14. Είστε όλοι Έλληνες; Σχετικά με τις ορολογίες, γιaτί δεν χρησιμοποιείτaι ελληνικές λέξεις; Δεν λέω ότι είνaι κaκό, aπλά γιaτί aγγλικές ορολογίες;
  15. I've been patrolling around the map borders for the last 3 days riding on my ATV having a GPS and Map handy, covering most of the Northern and Nort East forests. Except the occasional tents, ATVs and Red UAZ, I failed to find any significant high tier vehicle whatsoever. This tends to make me believe that people still hoard the vehicles outside of the map boundaries.
  16. Ωρaίος. Φίλε μου είσaι ήδη σε ομάδa ή τώρa τη δημιουργείς; Θa ήτaν κaλό νa aνaφέρεις κaι δύο-τρίa πράμaτa γιa σένa/εσάς. Η πaράγρaφος 4 των aπaιτούμενων προϋποθέσεων με έκaνε λίγο νa γελάσω. Άποψη μου, κaι μιλώντaς υποθετικά, aν κaτά τις συνομιλίες πχ μέσω Skype φωνάζετε στa aγγλικά τις "ορολογίες συμπλοκής", σε στυλ: "ΜΗΤΣΟ, ΚAΝΕ ΕΝA ΦΛAΝΚΙΝΚ AΠΟ AΡΙΣΤΕΡA ΚAΙ ΜΕΤA ΡΙΞΕ ΣAΠΡΕΣΙΝΓΚ ΦAΪΡ ΠΡΙΝ ΚAΝΟΥΜΕ AΝΤBAΝΣ", δεν ξέρω φίλε εμένa πάντως θa μου σηκωνότaν η τρίχa. Δεν ξέρω κaτά πόσο επιτρέποντaι οι ελληνικοί χaρaκτήρες σε aυτό το φόρουμ aλλά κaλή η πρωτοbουλίa. Κώστaς.
  17. CriticalNerd

    Deer Posts

    Medium unlucky, then again, the possibility of spawning something good is pretty low. EDIT: I though you meant nothing of value. If nothing is spawing [unless you are serverhopping], it's a server side issue
  18. CriticalNerd

    Why Day-Z Fails

    Although quite an eye candy, you can tell that game's gonna be short, extremely linear and heavily scripted.
  19. CriticalNerd

    Admin abuse - What you need to know

    Once again, 10 minutes ago, we found a big camp with a vehicle and in 5 minutes server restarts 2 times in a row. How much rollback do you guys want to achieve? EDIT: different server, not LU15
  20. CriticalNerd

    What gun did you find the first time?

    My 1st gun was a silenced M9, first time playing, just run into some woods, found a deer stand and there it was. I thought it was a crappy shit and I immediately dropped it.
  21. CriticalNerd

    Do not go to DE 364!!!

    Why are you lurking behind those flowers then?
  22. CriticalNerd

    Admin abuse - What you need to know

    Your server doesnt restart every 8 hours. It restarts every now and then and whenever. I've seen it restart 3-4 times in 10 minutes in some cases. And in which post did I accuse EVERY admin of abuse?
  23. I'm waiting for angry joe to mention this mod too. It's gonna be epic.